Dr. Jory Atlee is a bubbly woman who’s remarkably tall and slender with a grin that puts me at ease as soon as she walks into the room. Which is incredible considering how much the cold, sterile environment contrasts her warm energy.

“Good morning, Liya. How are you feeling today?”

I chuckle nervously. “I’m honestly not sure.”

“That’s to be expected when you’re expecting.”

“I’m just confused. I took a test last week and it was negative.”

She glances at the clipboard in her hand, adjusting the wire-framed glasses on her nose. “Yes, that was probably a false negative. Both urine tests we did here came back positive. So, you’re definitely pregnant.”

“Definitely pregnant,” I sigh. “So, what do I do now?”

“Well, we’re going to do a little blood work to make sure your current health is good. After that, I can give you a list of nutrient-dense foods you can eat to help your baby grow.”

My eyes widen as my stomach flips. I touch my gut lightly as I recall Momo’s with Willow. “Oh shit, I had mimosas last week.” Guilt irritates my gut. “Did I hurt the baby? Will he…she…will it be okay? I kind of had a lot.”

She gives me a reassuring smile. “You’re okay, Liya. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t make drinking a regular habit.”

“No more mimosas. Got it.”

“Do you smoke?”

I shake my head.

She scribbles on the clipboard. “Do you spend time around smokers?”

“A few of the brigadiers smoke, but ultimately, no.”

More scribbling. “Are you under any kind of additional stress? Work, school, family?”

I nearly explode with laughter. She must see the amusement on my face and adds, “Just anything that would be out of the ordinary for you.”

My shoulders slump. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about going to med school.”

“Really?” She smiles with approval. “Doctor or surgeon?”

“Doctor. I might even work with kids. I’m not sure yet.”

She nods. “It’s certainly a rewarding job. Challenging, but rewarding all the same.”

“What kind of challenges did you face?”

“You mean other than being a woman trying to compete with a bunch of guys who think they’re still in their college frat?” She hugs the clipboard to her chest, though I gather that it’s more a force of habit than a protective measure. She smiles so wide that her eyes close to slits. “Long nights of studying, rigorous tests, and high standards. But it’s not impossible.”

I smile anxiously. “Even for new mothers?”

“You might feel a little guilty balancing your schedule, but I have faith in you, Liya.”

I laugh. “Already? You hardly know me.”

“Anyone who can handle Pavel Sergeyevich and his brigadiers is a strong woman.”

“Well, that’s fair.”

She beams. “So, where do you want to go to school?”

“I have an interview in a week for Weill Cornell.”