Page 64 of Savage

“She doesn’t want to see me.”

“Give her time.”

“She is so angry Phantom. So, fucking angry,” I barely said, hanging my head as my hands tightened around the glass in my hand.

“She has every right to be. This club fucked her over big time. Reaper should have put a stop to that shit earlier. What he did, how he went about it, just know that all the brothers agree with you. Even Ghost. No one is happy with Reaper right now.”

“I get the beat down. I lied. But that other shit? Bringing Jess to the shed? Why the fuck did he do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“We’re missing something, Phantom. We have to be. What he did makes no sense. The Reaper I know would never put a woman through that. He would cut off his right nut before allowing that shit to go down. What the fuck is really going on?”

Phantom shook her head. “I don’t know. Since the shed, he’s been holed up in church. He even turned off the audio and cameras. He’s gone dark.”

“This can’t be about what Kitty possibly told Jess. It can’t be.”

“I don’t think so either. At first, I was on board but now after what went down, hell no. What’s worrying me even more is that Sypher and the prospects have disappeared. I haven’t seen or heard from them since our visitor showed up.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, looking around the main room. Brothers milled around, some talking, some just staring off into nothing. Something was seriously wrong. I could feel it. That’s when I noticed something else. “Phantom, where are the kids? Where is Ari?”

“Huh?” she asked, looking at me.

“Ari, Becca, Sunny, Jax,” I said, slowly getting to my feet as I looked around the room. “Hailey. Where is Hailey!” I shouted, running for the stairs, taking two at a time before I reached the second floor. Running for Bullseye’s room, I flung open the door to find it completely empty. Bullseye’s posters, his furniture, his bed, his clothes. It was all gone. Even Hailey’s crib.

Phantom appeared at the door. “What the hell?”

Pushing past her, I headed back downstairs and marched towards church. I was going to fucking kill him. Consequences be damned. That mother fucker just crossed a big fucking red line.

My brothers thought I was an easy-going fun guy. Never one to rock the boat. Preferred laughter to blood. Well, everyone was about to see the real me. The beast I kept contained on a leash. I didn’t get my name for nothing. I was a savage and everyone was about to see how savage I could be.

Ghost appeared, holding out his hand. “Savage, calm the fuck down.”

Reaching back, I plowed my fist straight into his face, knocking him back against the wall. Stepping over him, I kicked the church door open, shattering it into pieces.

Reaper jumped from his seat and cursed. “Oh shit.”

Charging him, I slammed him hard against the wall, my hand going around his throat as I tried to choak the life out of him. Raising my arms, I lifted Reaper off his feet, turning quickly, I threw him down on the Golden Skulls table and roared, “Where is she!”

He scratched, trying to pry my hands from around his neck. Tightening my hold, I picked him up again and threw him across the room. I was about to charge him again when the Guardian pointed a gun at me. “You need to calm down, Mr. Keller.”

I grinned. “Wrong move asshole,” I said quickly, knocking the gun out of his hand before picking him up and throwing him across the table. I turned back to Reaper, who was bent over coughing and trying to catch his breath, I had just stepped forward when she appeared before me. “Hey caveman. I need you to calm down for me.”

Blinking several times, I tried to understand how she was standing before me. She had just gotten out of surgery. She should be in bed recovering. Yet she was standing before me and when her hand lightly touched my chest, I grabbed her pulling her close to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close as my eyes moved to Reaper.

“Where is my niece?”

“What? Hailey’s missing?” Jess questioned, looking up at me then winced as she touched her side. Not thinking, I picked her up, holding her bridal style in my arms.

“I was going to tell you but shit got out of hand. Then I heard from Giovanni. It’s bad,” Reaper hoarsely said, coughing a few more times as he rubbed his throat.

“Tell us what?” Chaos asked, walking between us, facing Reaper and that was all it took. One brother taking a side for the others to stand between me and the President, each one facing the man we had respected and trusted for years.

“The women and kids are on their way to Tennessee. The Tennessee Chapter is a more secure place for them.”

“But your woman…” Hammer asked.

“Just had major surgery. She can’t be moved. As for the rest of them, they left about an hour ago, my son included. All of them, even the prospects and Sypher.”