Page 63 of Savage

God forgive me, this was all my fault.

Lowering my head, I kissed her hand before laying my head on the bed. She looked so small, fragile, even though I knew she was nothing of the sort.

I was so fucking proud of my woman.

She stood up to the big bad wolf and told him to fuck off.

I knew of men who weren’t a tenth of what my woman was.

She was badass. That’s what she was.

I also knew when she woke up, she was going to hand me my ass. Which I rightly deserved. I would take whatever she dished out and apologize profusely. I foresaw lots of begging in my future but I didn’t care as long as she eventually forgave me.

It was going to be a challenge for sure but I had hope. No woman could feel as deeply as Jess and not forgive the idiot who done them wrong. I just had to be patient with her. Let her say what she needed to say, hit me if need be, ignore me, all while I showed her I wasn’t going anywhere. My woman may be tenacious and headstrong but I was a stubborn mule when it came to someone I wanted and Jess was it for me.

I would never put her in a position like that clusterfuck again. If anyone wanted anything from her, they would have to go through me first. Because I will kill a mother fucker dead for hurting her in any way.

She was mine.

Mine to protect.


I didn’t know how much time had passed but when I opened my eyes, I found myself staring straight into hellfire and damnation. The fury emanating from her vibrant green eyes, shriveled my balls, sending them north into my throat. Gulping, I slowly sat up, releasing her hand and smirked. “Hi baby.”

“Get. Out.” She fumed, staring right at me as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Are you in pain? Do you need Healer?”

“Get. Out.”

“Now baby, let me explain.”

“Get. Out!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, making me jump to my feet, wincing again when I put pressure on my sore leg. Taking a few steps back, I gave my woman some space, hoping to calm her down. All it did was give her better aim as she hurled her pillow at me, hitting me square in the face. Back peddling fast, I made it to the door right as it was flung open, hitting me in the face.

Groaning, I grabbed my nose and cursed when I saw that it was bleeding again.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Judge questioned, looking from Jess to me. Seeing my nose, he sighed. “Jesus Christ Jessie, I just set his nose.”

“It wasn’t her asshole,” I muttered, leaning my head back to stop the flow of blood.

“Whatever, go find Healer so he can set it, again.”

Doing as I was told, my heart fell when I heard her soft cry.

Giving her some space, I was currently sitting at the bar drinking a club soda when Phantom sat next to me. None of the other brothers said shit to me when I sat at the bar. Not one of them approached and I was grateful for that because I didn’t want to put a beat down on any of them. They were only following orders. They weren’t the one I wanted. That fucker was holed up in church in some secretive meeting with the Guardian. Not even Ghost was allowed in.

More secrets.

Fuck, I was over this shit.

“How is she?”

“One ovary short.”

Phantom nodded, reaching over the bar for a beer. Popping the cap off she took a drink and said nothing more. What could she say? She was there. She knew everything. Saw everything. It was a shit show and ended in a bloody spectacular show, Golden Skull style.

Only this time it wasn’t a brother who got hurt, it was my woman. It was my Ol’lady, the one who should have been protected above all others.