“Come on, let's all get a drink and go sit under the tree. The biggest two asses will be here soon and will want all the details.” Fiona grabs enough beers from the fridge and leads the way outside.

All of us follow her lead with our heads held high right through the middle of all the huge ass men standing on the porch.


Waking up to a mostly dark room, I keep my breathing even so as not to alert anyone that I’m awake.

I take everything in at once. My hands chained above my head to a wall. Chains also attached to my ankles so that there’s barely any movement on my part.

Letting my eyes adjust to the darkness, I search the corners for Raven in case she was taken as well but the room is empty.

My eyes are just getting used to the darkness when I’m blinded by the door opening and the lights overhead coming on.

“About time you woke up.” A slick haired man comments as he moves further into the room with what I assume are his bodyguards. No way would this asshole get his own hands dirty.

Looking him over swiftly, I can tell he’s used to money with how he wears that ridiculously expensive suit. Not that I don’t have some of those myself.

“Mind telling me where the girl is?” His question gives me the only real answer that I wanted. They don’t have Raven.

The next question in my head though has me questioning the loyalty of those that I work for.

“Mind telling me how you found me?” I grin when his mouth forms a firm line.

He’s not used to being questioned back. This could be fun.

“You’ll answer eventually. The only question will be how badly you’ll suffer first.” He curls his nose looking over at his goons.

“Get the information that I want before you kill him.” He says, walking back to the door.

“Might as well kill me. You’ll not get the information that you seek.” I murmur quietly.

“Yes. They said you would be a hard one to crack. But we will. Crack you that is. We’ll split your head wide open and you’ll give me what I want.” He snarls.

Standing as tall as I can with my shoulders back, I smile at him.

“Give it your best shot.” I laugh out when he stomps his foot like a child, storming from the room.