Page 6 of Reckless Rebel

My heart thunders against my rib cage as I watch his retreating form and then once he is out of sight I slump back against the wall completely. What in the hell was that? Who was that? And why do I feel like he had the problems of the entire world on his shoulders?

I shake off the encounter and head back downstairs to find Sienna. I’m not surprised she has snagged the attention of two of Rick’s teammates as she shows off how good she can shotgun a beer. I’d roll my eyes at her antics, but she is one of my favorite people in the entire world, I’d be lost without her.

She spots me and flashes me a smile as beer drips down her chin, “Riley! Finally!” She dashes away from the guys and grabs my head to pull me away. “Come on let’s dance.”

She pulls me into the corner of the living room so we can dance with our backs to the wall without too many people lingering around us. I try to get into it, to let the music roll over me, just because it’s not my usual dancing doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it, but I am still feeling off after the encounter with the mysterious dude upstairs. I spot him sitting on the sofa, surrounded by another bunch of girls. He’s talking loudly, gesturing big, and everyone around him is laughing as they hang off his every word. It’s like he has this aura that is completely mesmerizing to them, enthralling them with his words.

I do note that Rick and the other members of the team are avoiding the group of guys with him. It’s unusual to see so many new faces, but there is an air of hostility between them that no one else seems to notice. I spot the other guy from the orgy watching him intently before he walks away, bringing himself nearer to Sienna and I.

We are close enough to him that I hear his conversation. “You need to come get him man, I’m too drunk to drive him home.” He listens to whoever is on the other end before he responds, “Sure, but bring Elle, with the state he’s in, she’s the only one he will listen to right now.” He finishes up his conversation and then heads back towards his friend, fist bumping him with a smile and joining the fray.

I find it both interesting and weird as I try to work out the dynamic between them. He thinks orgies in a strangers pool house is okay, but not drinking from the sofa, it doesn’t make any sense. My gaze drifts back to the guy on the sofa as I watch him entertain those around him, but his words from upstairs linger in my mind and I can’t help but feel like he is putting on a show.

Sienna grinds against me, interrupting my thoughts as she squeals, “Oh my god, Jack Hanson is here!” She grabs my arm and gestures to the guys on the sofa who I have definitely already seen too much of.

I’m confused, I don’t recognise them so how does she know them? “Should I know who that is?” I ask, following her gaze, wondering which one she is referring to.

She glares at me in exasperation before rolling her eyes. “Jesus H. Christ, Riley, you really do live under a rock. He’s a South Side Rebel,” she exclaims in a giddy tone.

I’m still lost. “A what?”

She huffs, “Ahhh, okay so they’re a group of guys from a few towns over, Black Hallows?” She says and I nod, the town name I recognize. “They’re all hot, and involved in crazy shit from what I hear, I see Jack at The Ring all the time.”

Ah, now I get it. Sienna is always telling me about the underground fighting club she goes to once a month and I assume these ‘Rebels’ must go there too.

“Jack’s the guy on the right,” she gestures to the dude who was on the phone near us earlier, “He’s so hot.”

I nod in agreement because he is hot, but my eyes still linger on his friend and I can’t help myself. “Who’s the guy on the sofa?”

She rolls her eyes. “Of course you noticed him,” she teases with a smile, “That’s the infamous Jace Conrad, apparently he can make girls cream so hard, they can’t walk the next day.”

I blush at her crass words, it sure seemed that way from what I walked in on earlier. “What do you think they’re doing here?”

Sienna shrugs. “Probably looking for fresh meat, which clearly they succeeded in.” She eyes the group of girls surrounding them and I can't help but smile, she would die on the spot if I told her what I saw.

Neither of us say anything else, we just go back to dancing, but I steal a glance at the mysterious Jace Conrad every few minutes, trying to work him out. Is he a guy who likes to fuck multiple girls at once and party with his friends, or a guy who thinks he deserves to be dead in a ditch? Not that it should matter to me, I don’t even know him, nor do I want to. Guys like him are dangerous for more than just your heart.

About an hour later the crowd has thinned a little and Sienna and I are just leaning against the wall now doing a little people watching. My curfew is approaching so I will have to leave shortly. As soon as that thought enters my head, the crowd parts and a stunning blond comes into view, followed by a gorgeous boy with blond hair and glasses. They both have furious looks on their faces and I follow their gaze as it lands on Jace.

Jace looks up and his face breaks into a huge smile when he sees her. “Ah, there’s my Queen.” His voice has the first hint of emotion I’ve heard all night, and that includes when he was getting down with three girls and his friend.

She stalks towards him and I can’t help but be in awe of her slightly as she commands the attention of every person in the room. “Pretty Boy,” she snaps back, and once she is within reach, he drags her into his lap.

Crap. Is this his girlfriend? The playboy has a beautiful girlfriend, well because of course he does, but how can he be partaking in group sex, when he’s committed to someone else. It makes me sick. It makes me want to run over there and tell her.

She smiles, casting her gaze around the room like she is assessing everyone here, before she settles back on him. “Let’s go home, Jace.”

“No,” he protests. “Let’s stay and party.” He looks to the guy she came with, “Linc, get Queenie here a drink.”

“Jace,” he scolds in response, like he’s talking to a child. “We’re going home.”

Jace rolls his eyes, but then surprisingly puts his arms around his girlfriend and stands, bringing them both to their feet. I see her shoulders drop in relief and I know instantly that this isn’t the first time she’s had to come pick him up like this. She turns and nods to the guy she came with and they start making their way through the crowded room. My eyes follow, unable to look away from the three of them, and it seems I’m not the only one.

A drunk guy stumbles over to the blond beauty and grabs a handful of her ass. She whips round immediately like she is ready to kill him where he stands, but before she can even react further, Jace has the guy slammed against the wall, smashing a framed picture to the floor at the same time. Shouts start and the music cuts out almost immediately as everyone watches the two of them.

“Like touching girls without their permission? You little prick!” He seethes at him through his teeth. Both his playful and pitiful masks from before are gone, and all that is left now is pure anger.

The girl doesn’t hesitate to step up and place her hand on his shoulder without any fear of him. “Jace, don’t do this, not here,” she warns, again her stare lingering on the people closest to them. It’s like she is cataloging each of them as the other guy offers them a dangerous, ruthless look.