Page 5 of Reckless Rebel

Fucking hell, poor girl just came to a party and walked into a practical orgy. Ah well, not like I will ever see her again.



I hate parties. Everything about them is just so… hateful. But my best friend Sienna wasn’t taking any of my shit this weekend, and with the day I’ve just had, drinking to forget sounds pretty damn good. What I didn’t count on was interrupting a freaking orgy. I dash from the pool house, faster than I have ever moved in my life, and that includes the four dance classes I take every week. I cannot believe what I just witnessed. One guy having sex with a girl from behind, and another guy with his tattooed chest on display while he had sex with another girl, while another was doing lord knows what.

It’s a summer night, but I still feel hotter than usual after what I just saw as I head back towards the main house. Two guys, three girls. I shake my head as I try to rid myself of the images. It’s not like I’m a prude or anything, I mean I am a virgin, but still I’ve watched porn, I know how to get myself off, and I have a boyfriend. I just didn’t expect that in the pool house, where anyone could walk in.

I laugh as I think about it and then push through the party to try to find Sienna, she dragged me here and then disappeared with someone off the football team from our school. We’re juniors, or I guess technically we’re seniors now. At least we will be when we go back to school after summer ends, and Sienna is determined to spend her last year doing whatever she wants. She is the total opposite to me: beautiful, outgoing, funny, and has guys falling at her feet, that just isn’t me.

I’ve always been the quiet one, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, and dancing, and I like that about myself, and lucky for me, my boyfriend Rick likes it too. I’ve known him forever and we had been friends a long time, so I was shocked when he asked me to the Spring formal. Things grew from there until he eventually asked me out and I said yes. We’ve been together ever since and I feel like things are getting serious between us. Maybe this summer I’ll finally lose my virginity.

I scan the room, but still don’t see Sienna, so I take my phone out and shoot her a text. I know she wouldn't leave without telling me. Just as I am sending the message, two hands curl around me from behind. “Babe, there you are.”

I spin, smiling up at Rick. “Here I am.”

Rick is gorgeous, he has that typical quarterback swagger about him, with his dark hair, dark eyes, and abs for days. We have nothing in common and honestly he could have the pick of girls from our school, yet somehow he chose me. It means I sit at the football and cheerleader table at lunch, and attend the best parties during breaks, but really none of that is me. I am glad I have Sienna because she gets me, even though she has dragged me to many of Rick’s games to perve on his friends.

The two of them are the only people I really spend any time with outside of my family, and even then it’s not a lot. Dance takes up most of my free time. I wish they understood that more and supported it, but it’s okay that they don’t. Dance isn’t for everyone.

“Did you find the bathroom okay?” He asks interrupting my thoughts, and immediately I think about the sex fest I walked in on when I went to use the bathroom in the pool house.

A blush creeps up my neck. “Oh, no not yet.” I say with a fake smile now, “I’m gonna go use the one upstairs.”

He just nods, as he bro hugs another guy from the football team and turns his attention to him. I shake my head with a slight smile, that's the thing with Rick, he’s friends with everyone and someone is always grabbing his attention. I guess that’s the downfall to dating the popular football team guy, you are always sharing him with someone else.

I move through the house, until I finally find the bathroom and close myself inside, flattening myself to the back of the door. I don’t really like huge crowds of people, they make the anxiety crawl over my skin like a thousand ants. Hence why I hate parties, but I promised Sienna and my parents I’d be more outgoing this year. The only time I don’t feel like that is when I am on stage and I can just let my surroundings fall away from me, it’s like magic.

I use the toilet, wash my hands, and splash the back of my neck with a little cold water, taking a deep breath to calm my heart beat. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out and read a message from Sienna saying she is at the kitchen island waiting for me. Perfect. I turn, opening the door to leave the bathroom and slam right into a hard body. I almost stumble into a fall, losing my balance, but two hands whip out, lightening fast and stop me. When I look up, I find the eyes of one of the orgy dudes from the pool house.

My mouth opens before I even think. “Done so soon? I didn’t think threesomes happened so quickly?” I quip, and he frowns, trying to get his eyes to focus on me.

"Why? Did you want to join us?" He winks, flexing his arms at the same time in a way that clearly makes other girls drop their clothes for him. I scoff, what an arrogant bastard.

"Please," I snort. "I wouldn't let you get me off if you were the last dick on earth."

“Sorry, what?” He smirks, then stares at me intensely, adding, “Do I know you?”

“Fortunately for me, no you don’t, Playboy,” I drawl, pushing his grip off my arms, I know exactly where those hands have just been and I don’t fancy catching an STD.

He scoffs, “Well clearly you know me, Little Red.” He rolls his eyes in distaste at my statement like it means something more to him. But he’s wrong, I have no idea who he is and have no desire to find out.

“Nope, just call em like I see em,” I respond, trying to move past him, but he crowds me into the wall and I can’t help but flinch slightly at how close he gets to me, yet he notices straight away and steps back.

“Oh yeah, and what do you see?” He leans back against the wall, giving me the space I need. I stand up straight, feeling scrutinized under his stare, and when I realize he isn’t going to stop until I answer him, I let my gaze trail over him.

Dirty blond hair, pulled back into a bun, hazel eyes that look haunted, and despite his rugged look I recognize the designer watch. I’ve never seen him before and this is a small town, so I know he isn’t from around here. His persona doesn’t look like he comes from money, so that probably means he’s into some bad stuff, and clearly he doesn’t care about where he puts his dick either.

I take a deep breath before I deliver my analysis in a calm tone. “I see a player, a guy who thinks every girl wants him, and every guy wants to be him.” I note the glossy look in his eyes and add, “I also see a guy completely off his face on god knows what, and will probably end up face down, dead in a ditch somewhere if he carries on, and that’s if he doesn’t catch syphilis first and his magical orgy penis falls off.”

I finish my rant with a huff and he doesn’t look amused. In fact, he doesn’t look anything, just vacant. It’s strange so I move to walk away. “Okay, well, enjoy the rest of your night, although I’m not sure you can top an orgy.” I smile sweetly, but as I pass him, his arm reaches out and he grabs me, pushing me against the wall, crowding me again. This time it isn’t just anxiety that flares across my body, but heat, as his firm body presses into mine. What the hell?

“And what makes you think that isn’t exactly what I want?” He asks barely above a whisper as his eyes stare down at me with full focus now, and I can’t help but frown as he continues, “Maybe face down in a ditch is where I deserve to be.”

His words stir something inside of me, not pity, but something else, something I can’t really name. “Nobody deserves that.”

“You’re right,” he says, letting his grip fall from my arm. “Some men deserve much worse.” Without another word he disappears back towards the party.