When I pull back, I nod and then move over to the car, tossing a peace sign up to Marcus and Lincoln who are waiting on the steps, as Elle and Cassie join them, they head inside. I throw my bags in the trunk and then move to open Riley’s door before she can do it herself. She startles a little as I do and when she turns around I catch a familiar scent, so I lean in closer to be able to smell it better.
“You smell like me?” I accuse before I can stop myself. I’m usually good at keeping the invisible boundaries in place, but having her in my personal space has clearly thrown me off balance.
A blush spreads up her chest. “Erm yeah, your shower only had that one body wash, I hope it’s okay that I used it.”
Multiple images of her soaping herself in my shower flood my brain and I have to bite back a groan. “Yep,” I snap, popping the P. “Not a problem at all.”
I practically shove her into the car in an attempt to block out what my mind is now conjuring and slam the door after her. Fuck, I’m about to spend two whole weeks with her in close quarters, I need to get my shit together. I inhale deeply and then move around the car and get in myself. Riley doesn’t say anything as I start the car and we settle into an uncomfortable silence as I begin the drive over to her house.
“You’re being unusually quiet,” Riley breaks the silence first after we have been driving for about ten minutes.
My hands flex around the wheel. “Sorry, I guess I didn’t realize how weird it would be to be away from Elle and the guys, they’re my family you know.”
I see her nod in my periphery. “Thank you for introducing me, they’re all really great, and definitely not what I was expecting.”
I laugh, “You and me both, Red.”
“Can I ask how you ended up with them all?” I have been waiting for her to question my family. I have been tracking the intrigue on her face since the moment she opened her eyes this morning and realized where she was.
I sigh loudly, not sure where to start. “The short and pretty version is that after my sister died I went into foster care, I moved around a little until I met Marcus and Lincoln, we became friends and then brothers, and then last fall Elle showed back up in town and whipped us all into shape.” I smile as I explain it like that, because without all the darkness and murder it really is one of the best things to happen to me. “Elle had reconnected with Zack, her biological brother who she didn’t know about and his adoptive parents Arthur and Helen took her in, they already had Zack and the twins, and well one more was nothing I guess.” I shrug like it’s not a big deal, but it is. “Elle had Cassie, Ash became her dad, and when she came back to town she reunited with Marcus, and the rest as they say is history.”
I can feel her mind working a mile a minute as she absorbs my words, words I chose carefully on purpose, and I see a million questions brewing behind her eyes. “If that’s the short and pretty version, what’s the long and ugly?”
Something I knew she’d ask, but still I am surprised at her nerve, not once has anyone ever questioned us over what happened at the start of the year. Something I am grateful for, yet for the first time since then, I find myself wanting to pour the words out, to paint the inside of this car with my secrets and finally let someone in. To let her in, but I can’t, she deserves better than that, better than me. I’m sober enough to know that.
I sigh, “Some things are just too horrible to repeat sometimes, Riles, and trust me this is one of those times.”
She nods and then surprises me by reaching out and squeezing my arm. “You’re really kinda great sometimes, Playboy.”
I swallow the thick lump in my throat and look at her and smile. “You’re not so bad yourself, Red.”
In fact you are pretty fucking amazing and I wish I could make you mine, but everything I touch turns to dust in my hands, and I won’t let you cease to exist, not on my watch.
We spend the rest of the drive to her house with her telling me all about the stuff she loves to do up at the cabin, and how much she can’t wait to finally turn eighteen and get her first tattoo. I learn more about her in that hour than I ever imagined, and every ounce of information she offers me I soak up like a sponge, just eager to know more. By the time we pull up at her house, her mom and dad are already outside loading up their car.
We climb out and Riley rushes off inside, I presume to grab all her stuff, and I make my way over to start helping Gerry and Ava.
“Jace, my man, I was about to send out a search party for my girl, you don’t call, you don’t write.” I smile as he offers me his fist to bump.
“Sorry, G-Dog, Riles slept pretty late and then Elle forced us through a mandatory pre-vacation family breakfast, and I don’t ever go against the King.” I shrug and he laughs knowingly at my little joke.
“Thanks for taking her home last night, is she okay?” His fatherly concern shines bright and I nod, what it must be like to have parents that care so much about you.
“I think so, although I’m not really sure if her and Dick are still a thing.” I try to say it casually but he smiles.
“You could try and look a little less happy about that,” he scolds playfully and now I’m the one who smiles.
“I will if you will.” Is all I reply, and he laughs.
Ava reaches out and places a palm on my cheek, “You look tired, Sweetheart.”
I nod because I am. “I didn’t sleep last night, I wanted to make sure Riley was okay.” And by that I mean I stared at her sleeping form for hours and tracked every inch of her skin like some sort of crazed, obsessed stalker.
She smiles. “You’re a good boy, Jace.”
I huff, if only she could hear the dirty thoughts my mind conjures up that involve her daughter in a variety of different positions, she wouldn’t say that then. “Not many people would agree with that statement.”
Her face softens. “I know you have a lot of guilt over what happened with your sister and that girl, but none of it was your fault, I hope you know that.”