“Relax, Riles, I’m just teasing.” I’m not, and the thought of her still thinking about the time we met, excites me in a way it shouldn’t.
She drops onto her bed with a sigh and a small smile. “I know,” she replies and all I can hear is her sadness. “Sorry I ruined the end of the day,” she adds.
I move until I am sitting next to her. “You didn’t ruin anything, Red. It was a simple mistake, Dicky is just being a tool, he’ll come around.”
She looks up at me. “What if he doesn’t?”
I sigh, “Then he’s a fucking bigger idiot than even I thought.”
“Tonight was supposed to be the night,” she admits quietly.
I shake my head, “The night?”
She fidgets with her hands and avoids my gaze. “Yeah you know I was going to take it to the next step.”
“The next step?” I’m still confused but then it clicks, “Oh, ohhhhh, you were gonna fuck him?” The words taste sour on my tongue as I think about her letting him have her. Not that I can say anything, I was balls deep in two girls last night, taking them one after the other and snorting coke off their tits, and still it did nothing to appease the ache that has now built for her.
She shrugs. “I just figure what's a better way to let him know I am serious about him, I am sick of him being so jealous all the time.”
“Yeah I guess,” I agree weakly. “I’m not really the one to ask about relationships though.”
“Have you ever had more than just sex?” She asks quietly, and I don’t respond, not right away, because as soon as her question leaves her mouth I think of her.
Taylor and I had only kissed a few times, but I could tell there could have been something more there, something real, it’s a thought I don’t let myself linger on, not if I can help it, because when I do, I also think of the other thoughts. The dark ones that I drink so hard to forget, the ones that plague my nights with reminders of why I don’t kiss any girls anymore.
“I tried it once, but it didn't work out.” Is all I can respond.
She nods her head like she knows, but she doesn’t, no one does. “Do you think it will work out between me and Rick?” Fuck I hope not, I can’t imagine having him around for the long haul, but the desperate plea in her voice has me inhaling deeply.
“Honestly, Riles, I’m not sure. All I know, Red, is that if you were mine, I wouldn’t give a fuck about any other guy, my attention would only be on you.”
Our eyes lock and for a minute we are lost in a stare off as we just silently watch each other, and I find myself wondering how she would react if I just said fuck it and kissed her. My eyes drop to her lips and hers follow and just as I raise my hand to do it, I feel the shake in it and it snaps me out of it. I push myself from the moment, what the fuck am I doing? I need to leave the room before I give in to my stupid temptations and ruin everything.
I clear my throat, “I should go.” I stand before she can even say anything and just as I’m about to walk towards the door I remember the bag still in my hand. “Oh I almost forgot, this is for you.” I toss the back onto the bed beside her and she pulls back and looks at the bag with suspicion.
When she looks inside she scolds my name, “Jace, I told you that you weren’t allowed to buy me these.” She pulls the bikinis she was looking at earlier today from the bag and I smile.
“It’s more a gift for me honestly, I can’t wait to check you out in them.” I waggle my eyebrows as I walk backwards towards the door, desperate to break the tension and bring back the humorous tone of the day. She rewards me by chucking a pillow at me but misses. I open the door and move to step out of it but halt to say one last thing, “Oh and you might wanna wash me off your face.” I gesture to the paint still staining her face and neck mostly ruined by her tears but still there, “Unless you're into that kind of thing.”
“I hate you, Jace Conrad!” She yells out as I’m closing the door and all I can think is how much I hope that isn’t true.
The slender curve of her neck, the small swell of her breast, the way her legs descend off the bed and down to the floor. Fuck it’s all I can think about, all of it seared into my brain since the second she sent me that picture. A picture which is now officially the only sexy “nude” I have ever permanently saved to my phone. I get hard as a fucking rock everytime I think about it, yet I still torture myself with it any chance I get.
Currently I am imagining my hand is fisted tight in her fiery locks as I wrap my palm around my hard cock. The scalding water from the shower cascading down my back only heightens my arousal. This isn’t the first time I have jerked off thinking about Riley, and I’m not ashamed to say it won’t be the last.
Her face has become a constant in every fantasy I have these days, and spending more time with Sofia, means more time with her. Hence why I am again fucking my own hand in the shower, searching for some relief. The countless girls I fuck no longer holding any of my attention, and it’s driving me insane.
I work my hand harder as I imagine those innocent eyes looking up at me, wondering whether she would choke on my cock or ask for more. I think about how she would taste on my tongue, how tight she would feel around my cock, and how glorious it would be to have her moan my name. All of it spurring me on to where I need to be. I stroke my cock a few more times, nice and hard, and then I am coming on a long groan, shooting my release all over the shower wall.
I sag in relief and regret as I shove my head under the spray and contemplate the fact that I have just jerked off over my sister’s sister. Again.
I’m hoping at the party tonight I can find someone to fuck to help me forget about my new obsession. It’s usually a speciality of mine, especially since everything that went down at the beginning of the year, but now it doesn’t hold the same relief as it once did. At least tonight I’ll have Elle and the guys with me, they wanted to join me considering I am going away with the Decker’s tomorrow and won’t see them for two weeks, so hopefully it will be a good night.
My hands shake as I climb from the shower and toss a towel round my waist. I need something to take the edge off and then I can relax enough to enjoy my night. I grab the first pills I can find and swirl them down with some water from the tap, time to ascend into the high I have been desperate for.