* * *
Two hours later and I barely remember how I got here, or even where here is. The deep vibration of the bass adds to the high I’m feeling, and I never want it to end. I don’t know what feels better, the line I just snorted or the mouth wrapped round my cock. It’s warm, wet, and sucking just the perfect amount as it slides up and down my shaft. The haze from the coke allows me to slip into my usual drug-fueled fantasies, and when I imagine those sinless eyes and shy smile in my mind I’m in heaven.
“God I’m obsessed with your cock,” the girl kneeling by my feet exclaims, and her voice snaps me out of the fantasy I was creating in my head. I think her name is Jen and we have definitely fucked before, “I’m so fucking wet for you right now,” she purrs, but when I open my eyes and her face comes into view, I know we’re done. The reality is nowhere near as tantalizing as my fantasy has become and I feel my cock going down.
I push her off and stand buttoning my pants. “Sorry, Jen, I’m just not feeling it tonight.” Apparently the only thing that keeps me going these days, is sexy little redheads that I have to stay away from.
“It’s Jess,” the girl states in an annoyed tone, but I just shrug, she’s the fourth girl I’ve fucked around with this week, sue me for not remembering her name. The first girl I had the same problem with, I couldn’t keep it up because she wouldn’t stop talking and ruining my illusion of pretending she was someone else. The threesome I had on Thursday was a little better, I told them not to say a word, and two holes and four lines was enough to keep me going, but now again tonight I am reminded how much fucking around is no longer working for me.
They say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but that’s not true. It’s not working in letting me forget my fantasies about the little fiery redhead, and it sure as shit didn’t work in letting me forget about Taylor.
I stumble from the room, ignoring whatever her name is, and make my way back downstairs to find the guys. It isn’t hard to locate them, even in this huge house of which I have no idea who it belongs to. They are sitting in the corner surrounded by our loyal band of followers, but with a clear wide berth separating them from the rest.
Lincoln spots me first of course, the ever watchful eye. “You good, brother?” He asks, no doubt noting my glossy eyes and forced smile.
“Fucking perfect, brother.” I try to make my smile genuine but it’s not, it’s only there because I am enjoying the short high I just inhaled through my nose.
Lincoln grunts with a slight nod, he’s watching me closer than ever now he has picked up on my full roster of extra curricular party favors. I’m not sure why he hasn’t told Marcus and Elle, or maybe he has, but they haven’t said anything to me. Neither has Linc really, he just watches, seeks me out when I am trying to be alone, and replenishes my stash when I am getting low. I’m not sure why he is helping me, and I wish it made me feel better, but knowing he knows the extent of my lows burns me up with shame.
“Isn’t that Riley?” Ells interrupts my inner turmoil, and my head snaps around to follow her gaze.
It is Riley and she looks better than I could have imagined, tight black jeans with a red lace tank, and her hair loose around her shoulders. She’s a fucking vision and I’m wondering what the fuck she is doing at a North Side Black Hallows party. I can already see a few preppy fucks eyeing her and her friend up and it makes me angry. I want to go over there, but her friend spots me first, says something to Riley who immediately looks my way, and that smile I have come to love putting on her face appears. They head my way and I can’t take my eyes off her, there is something different about her tonight but I can’t put my finger on it.
When she reaches me she throws her hands around my neck, her scent assaulting my nostrils and making those rules to stay away from her, obsolete, “Hey, Playboy!” She giggles and I pull back and note her flushed face.
She leans her body against mine and I fight to ignore her closeness. “Hey, Red, are you drunk?” I ask with a smile as she sways a little, my hand grips her hip to keep her in place.
“Pfft what of course not,” she claims. “We just had a little pregame on the way over.” She shrugs like it’s not a big deal, but from what I can tell she isn't the type to drink often.
I nod before looking at her friend. “Hey, I’m Jace.” I hold my hand out for her to shake and she laughs.
“Like everyone doesn’t already know who you are, Rebel boy,” she replies with a smirk. “I’m Sienna.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” I say, but turn my eyes back to Riley who is swaying against me to the music with a smile on her face. “Do you want a drink?”
“Yes!” Her eyes snap open, “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
“I meant water.” I offer her a smile, but I am totally serious and she actually pouts.
“I thought partying with you was supposed to be the best night of a girl's life.” I hear Marcus and Lincoln laugh behind me. “Are you holding out on me, Playboy?” Her voice sounds flirty and seductive and the tone of it goes straight to my fucking cock.
This right here is the reason no other girl is holding my attention, no matter how hard I try to force them to. They don’t compare to the temptress before me.
I crick my neck trying to subdue the thoughts in my mind and see Elle hiding a smirk in her cup. The delicious buzz beneath my skin pulses as I respond, “You want a night with me, Red? Just give me the word and I’ll make you forget Dicky even exists.” God the things I would do to her if she gave me the chance. Fuck the consequences.
Sienna snorts a laugh as Riley stares at me like she might be actually contemplating it before she shakes herself out of it. “Rick is here somewhere,” she replies casually, and I offer her a slow nod.
Of course he is. “I’m sure I won’t escape the displeasure of seeing him at some point.”
Sienna cackles again and Riley shakes her head with a smile. “You’re trouble,” she accuses and I lick my lips with a smirk.
“You have no idea.” She tracks my tongue as I say those words and I feel the tension burning between the two of us, and I think her friend can too.
“Come on, let's go grab a drink.” She pulls on Riley’s arm who looks between the two of us quickly before she nods.
“See you later?” Riley asks hopefully, and I take another drink of my beer.
“I sure hope so, Red.” I hold my drink up in a cheers motion and watch as they both disappear into the crowd.