I frown and open my mouth, but Jace beats me to it. “Two girls under eighteen alone in the house on a Saturday night who weren’t expecting anyone, why wouldn't I answer the door, it could have been anyone.” His answer is so simple that it takes me back. That’s why he jumped up both times to answer the door, to protect us from what he perceived could have been a threat.
Rick ignores him and focuses on me, holding up a tub of ice cream. “I just came by to drop some ice cream off for you and Sofia.” He tries to move past Jace again, but he blocks him again.
“Didn’t hear her invite you in yet, Dicky.” I hold in my smile at Jace’s stupid nickname for Rick as he lets more anger pour out of him.
“Move your arm or I’ll move it for you,” Rick snaps, standing a little taller, and I expect Jace to step back or movie inside, but he doesn’t.
Instead he smiles savagely. “Go ahead, try it, please give me a reason to lay you out right here.” It’s not a warning, it’s a full on threat, that we all know he would carry out without a second thought.
They both glare at each other until Sofia comes out into the hallway breaking the tension. “Dicky, what are you doing here?”
The laugh leaves me before I can even think and Rick turns his icy glare onto me. “Forget it, I’m out of here.”
He turns and storms down the steps and I rush after him, passing Jace as he holds out his fist for Sofia to bump and I glare at him as I leave them behind.
“Rick, wait!” He doesn’t stop, just keeps marching towards his car, and I only catch up to him as he swings his door open and attempts to get inside.
I push my hand on the door to stop him, “Rick, come on, I haven’t done anything wrong here.”
“I told you to stay away from him,” he snaps and I take a step back.
“And I told you, he’s Sofia’s brother, he’s going to be around her a lot, which means I will be around him a lot. This situation is out of my hands. But you have nothing to worry about.” I put as much feeling in my words as I can manage at this moment and he softens slightly.
“I know I don’t, I just fucking hate him, but I’m sorry.” He drags me towards him, putting his arms around my waist so he can look down at me. “I’m just being stupid and overprotective, I mean it’s not like you are even his type, especially not dressed like this.” He laughs, before closing the gap between us to kiss me, but I’m stunned into silence, but of course he doesn’t notice.
When he pulls back he smiles sweetly, but I can tell it’s forced. “I really was just dropping off ice cream, I’m on my way to a party so I gotta split.” He drops one more kiss on my lips before he steps back with a wink and then he gets in his car. He rolls the window down. “Text you later, beautiful,” he adds before he drives away, leaving me just standing there watching.
I head back inside and find Jace still waiting by the door with Sofia in his arms. “Everything okay?” He asks and I hesitate before I nod.
“Yeah, everythings fine.”
You ever meet someone and they haven’t even ever done anything to you, but you just want to smash your fist into their face. That’s exactly how I feel about Dick Douchington. He’s a fucking moron and a complete asshole, and the only person who can’t see that, is Riley. The look on her face right now, the look of feeling inferior and not being enough, it should never be on a girl's face, especially not thanks to some tool like that. I can’t bear it, we were having such a good night and for once Riley was being cool with me, but I can see she’s closed off again. I know I’ve overstayed my welcome now.
I follow her back to the living room where the credits are now rolling on the movie and watch as she starts to close and pile up the pizza boxes. “Time for bed, butterfly,” she says and Sofia moans.
“No, Riley, five more minutes, please,” she begs and Riley sighs.
I reach over and take the boxes from her and leave the two of them there while I take the empty boxes out to the trash and put the leftovers in the fridge, before heading back to the living room.
Sofia is still pleading and Riley looks at me as I come back so I jump in. “It’s okay Fifi, I’ve got to go home anyway,” I start, and I see her eyes well up, “I’ll be back tomorrow though for the BBQ,” I quickly add and she smiles slightly.
“You will?” She asks with hope in her eyes, and I can’t help but look at Riley and I don’t know if she means to, but she nods slightly.
“Pinky promise,” I reply, holding out my finger to hers and her face lights up as she curls her pinky with mine. It’s only then I remember the presents I brought.
“Oh, I almost forgot.” I grab the bag I brought, that I discarded by the door earlier and bring it over to them. “I got you something.”
“A present!” Sofia screeches and I laugh.
I pull the box from my bag and hand it over to her. She doesn’t hesitate to rip it open and then squeals. Inside is a set of pink wooden paint brushes and a new set of pastel coloured paints. I remember when Gerry showed me the picture she drew for me, that the table was covered in art materials, so clearly she likes to be creative.
“It’s for when you wanna give me another picture, Fifi,” I explain, and she throws herself at me so hard she almost winds me.
“I love them, Jacey, thank you.” She muffles into my chest and I smile, bringing my arm to pat her on the back, before she pulls back and eyes the bag that still has something inside.