“What else did you bring?” She asks in the nosey way kids do and I suddenly feel awkward.
Riley picks up on it as she scolds her, “Sofia!”
“No, it’s alright.” I maneuver her in my lap and reach inside the bag for the other box and pull it out. “It’s actually for you,” I say to Riley, holding out the wrapped present.
“For me?” She asks in surprise. “You didn’t have to get me a present, I can’t accept it,” she quickly adds.
I shrug. “I’m trying here, Red. Just let me, okay?” I offer her the gift, until her hand comes out and reluctantly takes it.
“Thank you,” she whispers, as she pulls it towards her, still wary to take it, but I can tell she is intrigued to see what I got her.
She rips into the paper and then gasps as she pulls out the copy of Alice in Wonderland. She doesn't say anything, just stares at it, and for the first time since I bought it, I feel nervous.
“I asked your dad, he said it was your favorite,” I explain and her eyes meet mine and they’re glossy.
“It is, it’s beautiful, I love it, I don’t know what to say,” she stutters over her words as she responds and then frowns. “You asked my dad?”
I nod. “Yeah, I want to call a truce, Riles. You know, be friends.” I add, gesturing my head towards Sofia and Riley nods in understanding.
She takes a deep breath, looks down at the book and then nods again. “Truce,” she replies simply with a smile and it feels like a weight is lifted off my chest. “Thank you for the book, I really do love it.”
We stare at one another tensely until Sofia flings her arms around my torso again. “Best big brother ever!”
I laugh a little. “I’m trying,” I mumble and Riley smiles at me.
“You really are.” Those three words make me feel worth something for the first time in a long time, and for once I don’t think about the shake in my fingers, or the sweat down my back that tells me I need something more. I just enjoy the feeling of my little sister looking up at me like I just hung the moon. It feels good. Too good. I don’t deserve this.
I stand abruptly. “I really should go.” I need to get out of here. Riley nods like she can sense I am about to freak out.
“Say goodbye, butterfly. I’ll be up in just a minute.” I expect some fight back, but it seems the gift has settled her down as Sofia doesn’t linger. She leans up, kisses my cheek, and says goodnight.
I’m stunned for a second before I respond, “Night, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I let her down to the floor and she skips off towards the stairs.
Riley and I both watch her go, before she turns back to me and gestures towards the front door. I nod and let her lead the way out. We walk silently and when she holds the door open, I don’t know what to say.
“Goodnight, Riles, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I mutter with a nod, before I breeze past her and walk down the steps.
“Jace,” She calls out and I stop and turn to look at her. “Thank you for trying, it means a lot to me.”
“It’s no big deal.” I shrug, but she shakes her head.
“It’s a huge deal, so thank you.” Her smile is sincere and I nod and go to move again before pausing.
“Red,” I shout, causing her to pause the door closing. “Rick’s wrong, you’re everyone’s type.” She frowns, until she realizes that I heard what Rick said to her earlier. But before she can say anything I add, “And you look sexy in everything you wear, but especially those pyjamas.” I wink, and watch as her cheeks turn a shade that rivals her hair before I turn and leave.
I hear the door slam in a rush and I can’t help the smile that stretches across my face as she hurries to get away from me. Tonight was a success. I managed a few hours around her and she didn’t yell at me, or look like she wanted to murder me, it was nice. But more importantly, I got to spend time with Sofia and show her I want to be around. Now I just have to be a man of my word and not fuck everything up.
Ignoring the numerous texts from Jack asking where I am, and a bunch of girls I don’t know inviting me to a party, I head home. Opting for a night of sleep so I can be fresh for tomorrow, and I can tell it's a surprise to everyone because when I enter the kitchen and find Marcus and Elle making snacks, they both pause to stare at me.
Marcus is more casual about it, but after the lashing I received from Elle earlier, I can feel her stare on me, dissecting me. I know I won’t be lucky enough to escape some form of interrogation. Of course Elle is the one to ask, “Heading out?” She inquires calmly, like she didn’t hand my ass to me a few hours ago.
I shake my head as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. “Just getting home actually,” I reply simply, and I see her look to Marcus in my peripheral.
“Okay, well, there’s some dinner in the fridge for you.”
“Thanks, Queenie.” I drop a kiss on her head, surprising her, “But I ate at the Deckers.” I move to leave the kitchen, but she halts me with her words.
“You’ve been with Sofia?” She asks hopefully, and I turn, leaning on the doorframe.