“Don’t start without me,” I yell, as I jump off the sofa and dash towards the door, grabbing my purse on the way. I open the door as I pull the cash from my purse, and then look up only to lock eyes with Jace instead of the delivery guy. “You’re not pizza.”
He smiles in confusion. “Nope, definitely not pizza,” he laughs. “Nice face,” he adds on and I feel the embarrassment burn through my body as I recall the facemask.
“What are you doing here?” I immediately go on the defense, but then internally scold myself. I told myself I would give him a chance.
He shifts on his feet and he looks nervous. “I was just wondering if I could see Sofia for a minute, I know it’s getting late, but…”
His sentence is cut off when Fia barrels into the hallway, “Jacey!” She screams, before launching herself at him. He just manages to drop the bag he’s holding at his feet before he catches up.
“Hey Fifi, miss me?” He ruffles her hair like he has done it a million times before, and I can’t help but feel sorry for the fact that he hasn’t.
She drops to her feet, leaving some of her face mask on his shirt, but he doesn’t seem to care. “Yes! Do you wanna come in, we are having girls night.”
He smiles, “Isn’t the whole point of girls night, that no boys are allowed.”
“Yes!” She screeches dramatically. “But it’s okay, I will still let you join in even though you have a penis.”
Jace almost chokes on his tongue when she says the word penis, and I can’t hide my smirk. “Yeah, Jace, it’s only a penis right?” His eyes flash to mine in humor, and then I watch it fade as he no doubt remembers our last conversation.
“I don’t want to intrude,” he replies calmly.
I sigh, “You’re not, come on in, I’ll just go wash this off.” I gesture to my face and let him step inside, before I drag Sofia to the bathroom to rinse our masks.
“I can’t believe he’s here,” Sofia excitedly exclaims, and the look on her face melts my heart.
I wipe the cloth down her cheeks. “Of course he’s here, butterfly, you’re the best little sister in the world, did you really think he would leave you all to me.” I boop her nose with the cloth as I finish and she laughs.
“Can he please stay for girls night, Riley, pleaseeeeee.” She uses her best persuasive tone on me, the one she knows works everytime and I roll my eyes.
“Anything for you, butterfly.”
She wraps her arms around me happily. “Thank you, I love you.”
I snuggle her close. “I love you too. Now go find Jace, I’ll be out in just a minute.”
She nods, jumping off the counter and rushing from the bathroom. I clean off my own face and then stare at myself in the mirror. No makeup, hair scraped back, and in my pajamas, I shouldn’t feel self conscious, but I do. Then I laugh, how stupid is that? Jace sleeps his way through multiple beautiful girls every week, he won’t care what I wear, or how I look. It’s not like he is trying to sleep with me. But I can’t help but hear Rick's mocking voice in my head about how not sexy my pajamas are.
I take a deep breath and shut it all down, it will be fine, Jace will be here an hour tops. It’s Saturday night, I’m sure he’s got more exciting plans to get to, and it’s not like he won’t be here tomorrow for the BBQ. I can make it through an hour with him and be nice, I’ll do it for Fia, it will be just fine.
I leave the bathroom and immediately hear the chorus of ‘Party in the USA’ playing. She didn’t wait for me. I rush towards the living room, ready to playfully scold her, but I stop in my tracks at the doorway.
Jace’s man bun is now in a wonky braid, he’s got some of the face mask smeared across his cheeks, and a remote for a microphone in his hand. He’s got Sofia on his back and they are both singing loudly and terribly along to the karaoke on TV. I can’t move, I’m frozen in place taking in their fun filled singing. Jace Conrad, the Playboy Rebel who has girls falling over themselves to get to him, is good with kids.
They turn and he spots me, and I expect embarrassment, but he just laughs and then moves towards me, until he can drag me into the room with them, picking up another remote to toss at me. He wants me to join in, so I do. I don’t even think about it, just start dancing it out next to them and joining in on the awful singing. By the time the song ends, I’m breathless and my side hurts from laughing so much.
The doorbell rings, and I start to move, but Jace halts me. “I’ll get it.” His tone is suddenly serious, like he is expecting something terrible to happen.
He disappears from the room, his shoulders tense, but when he returns a couple of minutes later he is relaxed again, holding pizza boxes in his hand, and it’s only then I remember the pizza.
“Oh crap, I’m sorry, I totally spaced.” He sets them on the table as I grab my purse and pull out some cash and hand it out to him.
He stares at it like it offends him. “Put that away.”
“Jace, take the money, it’s our order, you don’t have to pay for it.” I feel awkward letting him pay for it, I always pay my own way. Even when Rick and I go out, we always go dutch.
“Riles, I paid for it, end of discussion. It’s no big deal.” I put the money back in my purse, still feeling awkward and attempt a joke to lighten the mood.
The words fly out of my mouth before I can even think. “Someone was raised a gentleman,” I tease, and he freezes. I feel like the room turns to ice as I remember what little I know about his upbringing, but know he was raised without parents.