Chapter 44


I wanted to hit something hard.

The SUV sped through the city, destination not quite known, but at that moment I didn’t fucking care.

Emil was dead. The only ally I had, the one who had given his life to save mine and Leda’s, was gone.

“Oh my God,” Leda whispered next to me, tears falling down her cheeks unchecked. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn’t have any words for her.

The only words I had were of pure anger.

Pure fucking anger. I wanted to snap Adrian’s fucking head off his body right now.

Nico, his wife, and even their children were gone. I had two guesses as to who had them, neither of them good.

“Pull over,” I said roughly, shedding the Kevlar vest and throwing it in the back.

The driver did as I asked, and I threw open the door, stepping onto the sidewalk. We were at least ten blocks away. As safe as can be.

For a few moments, anyway.

“Get out of the car, Leda,” I told her, looking back. For the first time in my life, I had someone else I had to worry about, and the most important thing right now was to get her to safety.

Her and our child.

Leda climbed out, and I helped her out of the vest, throwing it back into the SUV before stalking to the driver’s side.

“I need your phone,” I growled, holding out my hand.

He handed it over wordlessly, and I tucked it into my pocket. “We’re going loud. Fuck this pinpricks to draw blood shit. We’re escalating this war.”

“Yes, Don.”

I stepped away from the SUV and watched as it pulled into traffic.

“What now?” Leda asked quietly.

Hell, I didn’t know. I couldn’t tell her that I was fucking lost, that I was the reason her family was missing.

I had failed Leda yet again. “I’ve got another place,” I finally said, reaching for her hand. “Can you walk?”

She took it, wrapping her hand around mine. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Clenching her hand tightly, I put myself between Leda and the street, in case we hadn’t gotten away from everyone trying to kill us, and started walking toward the financial district.

The night was crisp and cool, with little traffic on the sidewalks given that it was the middle of the week.

I only had two guns left on me, with only one extra magazine between the two of them. But I would die before I let anyone get their hands on Leda. Emil gave his life for us, and I wasn’t about to let his sacrifice be in vain.

Four blocks later, I led Leda into an alley between two buildings, finding the back door to one of them. She watched as I fished around an old flowerpot for the magnetic lock box, and typed in the code to retrieve the key.

“This isn’t the nicest of accommodations,” I said to Leda, inserting the key into the lock. “But it will do for now.”

I couldn’t go back to Ruhua and Baoshan. We were in too deep now, and I couldn’t put anyone else in danger.

Leda didn’t respond, following me through the door and waiting for me to secure it before I led her to the freight elevator.