“Clock’s ticking, Don,” Emil argued. “And she’s carrying your kid. It’s worth it all if you take that shit back from Adrian.”

Tears gathered in my eyes as the two men embraced, Lucas whispering something to Emil that had him nodding. I didn’t want this, but we couldn’t stay here. We were trapped otherwise.

Lucas turned to me and helped me get the vest over my head. “It’s going to be fine, Leda,” he whispered. “I promise.”

It didn’t feel like anything was going to be fine. Emil was about to give up his life so that we could escape. There was nothing right about that.

Emil came over and gave me a hug. “Take care of him,” he whispered into my ear. “He needs you now more than ever.”

“Thank you,” I forced out, tears clogging my throat.

He pulled away before I could say anything else and we found the set of stairs, Lucas helping me down the fourteen floors without a word.

When we reached the last set, Emil stepped forward and Lucas pressed me behind him, pulling his own gun. “Let’s do this.”

My heart in my throat, I watched as Emil opened the door slowly, stepping out. “We move now,” Lucas grunted at the sound of gunfire. Emil was firing to cover us, but he only had so much on him.

We didn’t have a lot of time.

I stuck to Lucas like glue as we moved through the door, the bullets pinging around us as he kicked in the other door that led to the alley, pushing me through.

But not before I watched Emil take one, two, then three bullets to the chest. The look of defiance was still on his face as he crumpled. Two more shots rang out.

“Go!” Lucas shouted, forcing me into the night once more. Luckily the SUV was still waiting where we had left it, and the driver’s eyes were wide as we shot out of the alley and into the back seat. “Go!” Lucas shouted again, sending the SUV into the empty street.

I didn’t even attempt to breathe until we were a few blocks away.

“Fuck!” Lucas cried, hitting the seat before him with his fist. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

I knew how he felt. Emil had given his life so that we could escape. It wasn’t right, but he had thought it necessary.

Now we were down the one man that my fiancée trusted the most.

His friend.

My friend.

Tears crowded my eyes, and I let them fall unchecked onto my cheeks. We had to find my family. We had to.

I couldn’t lose anyone else.