Ryan didn’t move until he heard the bathroom door’s lock click into place. Last night he’d made love to Cassie inside that room, both his body and soul bare to her. This morning, she locked him out. When the woman said one night, she sure as hell meant it. Maybe he’d been crazy to think she’d opened to the idea of the two of them being more. After all, hadn’t she made him promise nothing would change when they’d made this date? But before they’d finally fallen asleep hadn’t she said he could have her every night? The light of day must’ve changed her mind.

The lock released. Ryan forced himself to turn from the door. Although he’d lied, he had promised her everything would stay the same. Staring at the bathroom door like a lovesick puppy was definitely a change.

“I ordered waffles and eggs.” He uncovered the plates. “Since you always eat off my plate anyway, I figured it didn’t matter who got what.”

What was he even saying? They’d spent an amazing night together, having the best sex of his life. Why was he talking to her like a stranger?

When she didn’t respond, he turned to face her. She’d washed her face and wrestled her long, dark hair into a messy bun. His wrinkled dress shirt did little to disguise the curves beneath.

His mouth watered.

“This is awkward, isn’t it?” she whispered.

His heart sank.No. He’d been so certain this wouldn’t happen to them. “No,” he responded. Though God knew it was. “Nothing’s changed, Cass.”

Swallowing, she nodded.

“We’re still friends. You’re still my daughter’s most amazing mother. I still care about you.” Only now he knew without a doubt he didn’t just care about Cassie. He loved her, and this love was unlike anything he could ever feel for anyone else. Cassie was it for him. “You’re in control. Whatever you want.” He just wished she wanted him.

Her blue eyes glistened, breaking his damn heart. He itched to touch her, to pull her against him, to beg her to stay in this hotel room, locked away from the world forever.

With one deep exhale, she straightened, squaring her shoulders. “Our food’s getting cold. We should eat.”

Unable to think of anything else to say, he nodded and pulled out a chair for her.

They ate in silence. He wished she’d just tell him her thoughts. If, after everything they’d shared last night, she truly wanted them to continue as they had the past five years, he’d do that.For her. But if there was any chance she wanted more, he’d take it.

Finally, after they’d cleaned their plates, Cassie turned to him. “Thank you.”

“No problem. I’ll just add it to the list of meals you owe me,” he joked.

For the first time that morning, she smiled. The sight made his pulse quicken. He lived for Cassie’s smiles.

A blush worked up her cheeks as she clarified, “I meant for my … uh… Christmas gift.”

Was she seriously thanking him for having sex with her? “You may not have noticed,” he smirked, “but it was entirely my pleasure.”

Now a full grin graced her face. “Notentirelyyours.”

Oh, hell yeah. Maybe hope lurked beneath the awkwardness swirling between them.

“I’m glad I could be of service. If you ever…”

Her cheeks turned scarlet. Damn she was adorable. A complete contradiction to the woman who’d awaken him by taking him into her mouth. He loved both sides of her.

“Why don’t we start with taking our daughter to lunch this afternoon?” he offered.

As long as a flicker of hope still existed, he’d keep fanning the flame. He could be the man Cassie deserved. Not just this Christmas but every Christmas.

Chapter Fifteen

Cassie hurried into the auditorium, slapping her messy hair away from her face. Already a crowd filled the best seats. She should’ve left the shop earlier. She’d planned to leave earlier, but with only days left until Christmas, shoppers were out in force for last minute gifts. Scanning the room, she spotted Ryan sitting front and center beside Ravi and Sophie. At the sight of him, her heart did a little somersault. Though two days had passed since she’d slept with him, she still felt him… everywhere. And wanted to again. Easier said than done with a four-year-old used to having all her attention. How would Ellie react if Cassie and Ryan did become a couple? Would she ever get used to having both parents all the time? And what if they had more children, would she –Whoa! Tap the brakes.

In the two days since their “gift exchange,” literally zero had been said about that night or a future. For all Cassie knew, Ryan had gotten what he wanted and was done with her.Again.At the thought, her somersaulting heart did a swan dive. From his seat at the front of the room, Ryan checked his watch. Ellie’s concert would start in… five minutes.Crap. The seat beside Ryan held only his coat. She shuffled through the crowd toward him, but stopped short when a woman approached him, sliding into the empty seat with a smile on her face. Cassie recognized the brunette as one of Ellie’s classmates’ mothers. The other woman was beautiful… and single. Sighing, Cassie began searching for somewhere new to sit. Finally, she spotted a chair in the back … behind a column. Resigning herself to standing against the wall, she started back up the aisle.

“Cassie.” Ryan’s voice halted her retreat. “Cassie. Down here.”

Turning, she found him standing at the front of the auditorium, waving her down. Alone. “Come on,” he mouthed.