“Then I guess I’ll have to stick close to my supply so as not to suffer from withdrawal.”

He nipped her ear, before he kissed away the sting. She loved when he did that – gave her a bit of pain, before erasing it with pleasure. As he slowly slid out of her and his dick rubbed against her sensitive tissue, she groaned.

He helped her out of his shirt and stood by the bed, looking down at her. “Did you mean it?”

Unable to remember what she’d said while he screwed her brains out, she only shook her head.

“Not just tonight, but every night?” he clarified.

Her chest suddenly felt tight and her eyes grew warm. Standing in front of her naked, still half-hard, but with his heart as naked and exposed as the rest of him, Ryan waited for a response.

She swallowed down the emotion rising in her throat and nodded. “Yes,” she managed to whisper. “I think this is one gift I don’t want to return.”

His lips turned up in a small, sweet smile. “Me neither,” he replied before he bent and feathered a kiss on her forehead.

* * *

The aroma of bacon lured Cassie from sleep. Reluctantly, she forced one eye open, then the other. Ryan stood by a small table laden with two covered plates and glasses of orange juice, talking on his cell phone. He wore only a pair of snug black boxer briefs. As she stretched, regaling every newly sore muscle, she allowed herself to peruse each perfect inch of him. Women would always want Ryan. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, blame them. And she couldn’t blame Ryan, as an unattached man, for enjoying those women. But was she stupid to wish she could be enough to satisfy him?

“Yes, I’ll see you this afternoon,” he said to whomever he spoke. Then he nodded, listening to whatever the person replied. Twice he began to speak, but apparently the other speaker kept going. Finally, with a chuckle, he told the caller, “I love you too.” And ended the call.

Cassie’s stomach pitched, twisting uncomfortably. Suddenly the scent of bacon made her want to vomit. Tossing his phone to the couch cushion, Ryan turned toward the bed. Cassie squeezed her eyes shut, feigning sleep. She needed time to recover from what Ryan had said. Just hours ago, he’d been inside her, telling her he wanted to wake up with her forever. And now, he loved someone else?

The mattress dipped with his weight. “I know you’re not asleep.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Although the small caress sent pleasant tingles through her body, she remained frozen.

“There’s bacon,” he sang against her ear. “You might be able to resist me, but you can’t resist bacon.”

Beneath her closed lids, she rolled her eyes. He knew her too well. She did love bacon.

“I told Ellie I’d pick her up for lunch and I’d try to talk you into joining us.”

At the mention of their daughter, her eyes popped open. “Ellie? I didn’t call her last night.”

Ryan lifted his muscled, tattooed shoulder. “She didn’t even mention it. Mom said she played hard and crashed early. She probably forgot.”

“You talked to her today?”

He settled on the bed next to her. The weight of his body tugged the sheets tight over her breasts. “I just got off the phone. Don’t worry. I didn’t tell her you’re with me.”

He’d been on the phone with Ellie?Duh. Ryan couldn’t have a woman in his life who he loved without her knowing.Except he had.

“That’s fine.” Although maybe she did worry what their daughter would think if she knew her parents spent the night together. At only four years old, she’d have no idea what they’d done all night. But would she assume this meant they’d finally be a real family? No. Likely, only Cassie worried over that. When she rolled her head toward Ryan, she found him studying her. “What?”

He shook his head, but she didn’t believe him. His brown eyes were narrowed. A few wrinkles she never noticed, scrunched his forehead. The look reminded her of Ellie when she encountered something new. Before she could point this out, Ryan rolled from the bed.

“Your food’s getting cold,” he told her.

Cold food didn’t bother her. Ryan’s about face did though. Climbing from the bed, she searched for something to cover herself. Ryan turned from the table, his gaze roaming her naked body. His eyes narrowed, focusing on her chest before raising to lock with hers. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down the column of his throat. He hadn’t shaved yet and the beard shadow coupled with that dark look made her belly quiver. Spotting his shirt rumpled on the floor, she scrambled to retrieve it and cover herself.

One night. They’d said one night. Now that night was over. Last night she’d entertained the idea of continuing this thing between them.Bad idea. Just because he’d been on the phone with Ellie this time, didn’t mean the next time wouldn’t be some supermodel. They’d known each other their entire lives. They’d slept together before. They even shared a daughter. So far, none of those things had made Ryan hers. Last night would be no different. As much as she wanted him, she couldn’t share him. And he’d never belong solely to her.

Buttoning the shirt as quickly as her shaking hands would allow, she inclined her head toward the bathroom. “I just need a minute to freshen up.”

Still cataloging her every move, he nodded. On quivering legs, she hurried to the safety of the other room.

* * *