Page 113 of From This Moment

“Let me go, Maggs.” Piper walked to where Rae stood. “Hey there, sweetheart.” She touched her nose gently to soothe her. Rae butted her hand.

“She’s saying sorry.” Maggs joined Piper.

“But why did she do it?” Moving over the horse, she ran her hands gently over the animal. Returning to the saddle, she loosened the girth, and it was then she saw the blood.

* * *

“At least Mom’son the improve, and actually hosting bridge tonight,” Charlie said as Dylan drove out of the Howards’ driveway. “I swear that woman plays every night of the week.”

“Not sure I want to go back there until they’ve left. All those women in the house make me shudder. They’ll do things like pinch my cheeks and tell me over and over what a bad son I am for staying away so long.

“So what’s the deal? I thought you didn’t do the whole girlie thing, and yet I’m taking you to Piper’s house so you can watch chick flicks and eat junk food?”

Dylan wondered if he’d see Piper or Grace. Probably not the baby, as it was late, but maybe.... No, he couldn’t see her. He wasn’t getting closer to anyone else in this town until he knew for sure if someone was targeting him or not.

“Maggs called. We talked and she said it would be fun, so I thought I’d give it another go. Plus, when I called her just before to see what to bring, she told me Piper had fallen off her horse—”

“Is she okay?” Dylan’s heart started thumping inside his chest at the thought of Piper hurt.

“Sure, just bruised I think.”

“But she’s okay?”

“I just said she was, Dylan. What’s the deal with you two?”

He felt Charlie’s eyes on him, but kept his on the road.

“No deal. So, Ava. What do you think we should do for her?” he said before she could question him about his reaction.

“I’ll run with the change of subject, but don’t think I won’t ask again.”

“Whatever, and there’s nothing to say about it.”

Charlie snorted but didn’t add anything. “It’s hard seeing Ava like that, Dylan. For so long I didn’t care, and now suddenly I do.”

“I know, but the guilt is thicker because we feel partly to blame for abandoning her.”

“Yeah, that too.”

“I don’t see how this business with you could be connected to her though, do you?”

He’d told only Charlie his suspicions at this stage, because two pairs of eyes saw a great deal more than one.

“No, I don’t think that’s the case, but I can’t discount it completely. Remember what I told you, Charlie, if you see anything weird, get any emails or strange social media requests, you let me know.”

“I know what you said, Dylan, but it just seems too far-fetched that someone is getting at you through us.”

“I know it does, and it probably is, but I’ve dealt with some serious crazies in my time as a profiler. I’m sure we’re all good, but just in case, take care, okay?”

They drove up the driveway and he stopped outside the house. Jack and Luke Trainer were coming out the door.

“Okay, so see you later then?” Charlie said.

“Call me if you need picking up.”

She gave him a smile, and it was genuine.

“It’s weird hearing you say that, because no one ever has before.”