Page 49 of From This Moment

The arrogance of that statement actually took her breath away.

“We both have the itch, so let’s scratch.”

“Real slick, Dylan. Surely that’s not your usual line?”

“What?” He looked confused.

“That bullshit pickup line.”

“It wasn’t a line, it was the truth. I’ve pretty much wanted to have you naked beneath me since I saw you in that diner, and I know you feel the same.”

Piper wanted to clench her legs together as they threatened to give way, but she wasn’t showing him how much those words affected her.

“I don’t, and even if I did I’m not an animal and can control my urges. Believe me, that’s all you could ever be, an urge. Besides, I have Chad to consider.”

One side of his mouth kicked up as he moved even closer, leaving a total of ten inches between them.

“That preppy lightweight you were eating with? The one who had his hands all over you on the dance floor? You’re not interested in him.”

The fact that she felt the same about Chad had absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

“He’s nice, and—”

“He won’t rock your world like I will.”

The words were delivered in a low, deep tone that made her insides quiver.

“You did not just say something as cheesy as that.” Piper attempted to laugh but it turned into a cough as her mouth was suddenly dry.

She was in sooooo much trouble.

Chapter 12

She was making him crazy, Dylan thought. Women did not take up space inside his head, but this one was. He thought about her constantly, and when he saw Piper it was like sticking his finger in an electrical socket.

Dylan had watched her on that dance floor, fending off that shithead. He’d fought the urge to storm over there and plant his fist in the man’s face. It was disturbing to think a woman he knew nothing about, and wasn’t entirely sure he liked, could wring so much emotion out of a man who usually had none.

“Why are you fighting this?”

She wore tight-fitting red trousers, sky-high heels that showed fire-engine-red toes, and a floaty black silky shirt that sat off her shoulders. He wanted to sink his teeth into the soft skin of one while he was buried deep inside her slick heat.

“We don’t know each other!”

“I can remedy that.” Dylan leaned closer.

Her eyes were ringed in something dark and smoky, and a soft brush of color rode high on her cheekbones. Her lips were glossy and pale. She was sexy as hell, and he could never remember wanting a woman more.

“Dylan, this is ridiculous. I don’t do that kind of thing, and it’s not as if we even like each other very much.”

Her voice had dropped. Low and husky, it made his body tighten. He was so hard it was painful.

“Neither do I, actually, but for some reason you are causing me a great deal of angst.”

“That’s hardly my—”

He cupped her face and kissed her. Sweet and sinful, he knew that just one taste was only going to make him want more. Her bottom lip was fuller, and he sank into it as she moaned. Sliding a hand down her back, he pressed her closer, close enough that he could feel every curve, enjoy each lush part of her pressed into his body.

Her scent was soft and flowery; the skin of her cheek felt like cool satin under his palm.