Page 48 of From This Moment

“It’s a date, but remind me because unlike you I have real work to do.”

Ted smiled that shark smile of his. “Unlike you playing around in the great outdoors, ranger boy, I do the real work.”

Pool night was really an excuse for drinking, pizza eating, and guy talk. Piper’s cousins loved it.

Maggs introduced Chad and Dave. Fin didn’t look happy to meet either of them.

“So what, this is like a double date?” He looked from Piper to Maggs. “And you’re the one who likes hiking, right?” His eyes moved to Dave.

“That’s none of your business, so shut up. You’re embarrassing me,” Maggs hissed.

“I’m not embarrassed,” Piper said. “You know my cousins, right? They’d have got Chad’s net worth by now.”

“True that,” Fin said. “And on that note—”

“How about a dance, Piper?” Chad looked nervous.

“Sure.” She moved to the dance floor with him. Dancing had always been something she enjoyed, and as a kid when things were tough, she’d often escaped into music.

“You move well.” Chad closed the distance between them, placing his hands on her hips. “Want to move with me later?”

“Don’t think so, but thanks. I’m not really a one-night-stand kind of girl.”

He didn’t look happy about that. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Really, hope that trip goes well for you.”

“No, what I meant is, I want us to—”

“Chad!” Piper stopped him. “I’m not sleeping with you, end of story.”

He looked pissed now. “That was a waste of time.”

“So you’re not into conversation or spending time with a woman unless the outcome is sex?”

“I like to call them vacation romances.” His smile was back, as were the moves as he reached for her again.

“No romance involved that I can see. So see you.” Piper gave him a shove. When he didn’t retreat she pushed harder. This time it worked and she walked away. Turning, she saw Dylan Howard. He’d watched the entire incident.

Dragging her eyes from his, she found Maggs in conversation with Fin. They were standing toe to toe, and both looked angry, which happened often when those two got together. Deciding she didn’t want to play referee tonight, Piper walked the other way and headed outside onto the deck.

Most of the guests were inside, but for Piper this was where the magic happened at the lodge. The view of the mountains under the moonlight was spectacular. A huge open fireplace to the right offered warmth for anyone not used to this climate, but not her. Piper loved the cool against her cheeks, and inhaled the fresh air.

Needing a few minutes, she moved into the shadows. Edging along the railing, she braced her elbows and looked up at Phil and Roxy.

They’d be snowed in over the coming months. Jack would haul out the snowmobiles, and she couldn’t wait. She loved everything about Ryker Falls, because this place had given her a home. A home for herself and her mother when their world had been torn apart.

Something made Piper look over her shoulder, a feeling that she was being watched, and there was Dylan Howard coming toward her. He stopped when he was close enough for her to read the expression in his eyes.

Neither of them spoke, just looked at each other.

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” He didn’t sound pleased about that. “So we need to have sex, then we can settle into living in the same town without the tension for a while until I leave.”

The direct approach was usually Piper’s way—okay, so maybe not this direct—but having it thrown back at her with such a cold delivery set her teeth on edge. And then there was the conversation she’d just had with Chad about his supposed “vacation romances.” Romance, it seemed, was indeed dead.

“No thanks.”

“Why? You’re lying if you say you don’t want me.”