Page 46 of From This Moment

Dylan watched his other sister walk away from him, but he had the feeling that this time, with this one, it was different. This time he and Charlie had forged a small bond, and it surprised him how much he wanted to build on that.

Chapter 11

Piper wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to the double date with Maggie, not that she’d been given a lot of choice in the matter. Her friend could be determined when she was set on something.

“Oh yes, I love hiking the mountains. It’s a favorite pastime of mine.”

Swallowing a snort at Maggie’s words, Piper listened as she talked to one of the men, attempting to impress him with a detailed report about their hike today.

Maybe she was bored? Or was it simply an attempt to forget about Dylan Howard? Whatever the reason, Piper was regretting it now. She’d much rather be home, either in the hot tub, or curled up watching TV with her favorite cookies.

“So tell me about this Coffee Run. I’ve seen the posters up all over town,” Chad, the man across from her, said.

He wasn’t bad to look at—some would even call him handsome—but Piper just wasn’t in the right mood for small talk with a man who thought he was pretty special.

“It’s an annual thing, Chad.” Piper made herself smile. “We get paired up with someone, then run up and down some of the mountain tied to them while carrying a mug of coffee. First down with the most coffee still inside wins.”

Chad had smooth good looks, golden hair, and a nice smile... a little too nice. It had a fake edge to it. Piper knew that wasn’t fair, and actually what she was thinking was he didn’t have a smile like Dylan’s, which pissed her off, because since he’d rolled into town she’d been hard pressed to push him out of her head.

“Sounds quaint.”

Piper thought that sounded condescending but didn’t say anything.

It wasn’t like she hadn’t met a few nice Chads in her time... or Petes, and Johns for that matter. It was just she was... what? Bored? Unsettled? Needing a challenge, and not just on the man front. Piper needed to do something that pushed her.

Life had slowed over the last few years, and lately she’d been thinking about what she could do to fire up her imagination again. There was a house close to Maggs that had come up for sale. It was run-down and needed some serious work, but she didn’t mind hard work. The old Ledger place could be just the project she needed.

“Oh yes, the Coffee Run is so much fun,” Maggs said, smiling at her man, who was falling all over himself to look down her shirt. “If you’re still here you should come along.”

They laughed it off, and Piper had the feeling that “quaint” meant “backward” to these two.

She let her eyes and mind wander as Chad started talking about himself and how important he was. Piper had already looked over the little house, and it had potential. Her mom hadn’t mentioned Mr. Goldhirsh moving in anytime soon, and Jack and Luke had no plans to leave, but they’d find women to settle down with sooner or later, and Piper wanted a place to call her own when that happened.

As yet she hadn’t discussed her idea with anyone in her family, but she would soon if she decided to go ahead with the purchase. Her thoughts shut off briefly as she watched Dylan and Charlotte Howard enter the restaurant. As if sensing her, Dylan looked her way, impaling her with that ice-blue look.

Everything stilled inside Piper, almost as if she was suddenly running in slow motion. It was unnerving to be aware of someone like that. She’d barely spoken to him and wasn’t entirely sure she liked him either. He was so very different from the other men in her life. Emotions were something he kept close to his chest, and his expressions were cold and calm.

Yet he had danced with the seniors and when he’d talked about Ava he’d been genuinely worried. Plus, there was the kiss they shared. That was definitely not cold and unemotional, and today he’d come for Charlie when Maggs called him.

Dragging her eyes away, Piper focused on Chad, who was talking about this PR company as if it was responsible for holding the country together and reducing the national deficit.

“Charlotte.” Maggs waved, and Piper resisted the urge to yank her friend’s hand down and growl at her to shut up.

“Hello, Maggs.”

Piper made herself look up at Charlotte Howard. She looked uncomfortable, and who wouldn’t after what happened earlier today.

Introductions were made, and Dylan shook hands with the men. The Howards wore identical expressions of emptiness. They must be hell to play poker with.

She wondered how deep a person had to dig to expose the true Charlotte and Dylan Howard. Piper had seen glimpses with Dylan, and today with Charlotte, but it hadn’t lasted long. No way was she up to the task, but still, she was curious.

“I was just telling Chad and Dave about the Coffee Run,” Maggs said, sounding chatty and ignoring the tension that was suddenly thick enough to cut.

While her friend talked, Piper picked up her bread roll and ate, which in turn forced her eyes from the Howards.

Dylan wore casual yet expensive clothes. Steel blue sweater, black jeans, and black leather boots. Casual clothes that looked anything but on that body.

“I saw the signs,” Charlotte said when Dylan remained silent.