Page 47 of From This Moment

Piper shot him a look, and his eyes were on her. She looked away again.

“Why don’t you join us?”


“No, but thank you.”

The words were cool, as was the nod accompanying it. Dylan then placed a hand on his sister’s back and walked her away.

Piper exhaled as they left. Luckily they moved out of her sight, which she guessed meant they sat behind her, so she could block them out.

They ate; she made herself smile and laugh and taste the lodge food, which was always good.

Ted Hosking owned the place, and Piper had to admit the interior was something. All natural colors, with polished floors and thick carpets. The lodge had a restaurant, bar, and dance floor. There was a day spa, gym, conference rooms, and pretty much anything you could possibly need.

Winter hadn’t arrived fully yet, so the place wasn’t packed with skiers, but as soon as they had the first big dump it would be busy.

“Shall we go to the bar? I hear the band playing is good,” Maggs suggested. Piper swallowed down her negative reply and got to her feet. One night; surely she could give her friend that much. But Maggs would owe her.

“Great,” Chad said, giving Piper a look that suggested he thought he’d get lucky tonight.

Not happening, buddy.

Piper followed the small group and her gaze found the Howards before she left the dining room. They were in conversation, but Dylan looked up suddenly, and directly at her. He frowned, then returned to his meal without so much as a smile.


The bar was an extension of the entire inside of the lodge with stone hearths and paneled walls that held local artwork. In here part of the roof was glass so in the winter months guests could sit in the warmth and watch snow fall.

“Well hell, if it isn’t a Trainer in the house.”

“Ted.” Piper looked him in the eye. They may not be best friends, but there was a healthy dose of wary respect there.

Tall, and built like a linebacker, he was a rough diamond who’d been polished to fit into this world, but there was an edge to him that said if you messed with this man you would come off second-best.

“Let me buy you a drink.”

“No, we got it, but thanks.”

“Yes,” Maggie said at the same time.

Ted gave Piper a smile that suggested he’d won this round, as Chad and Dave were pretty quick to agree to a free drink too.

“Hey, little girl.”

“Oh hey, Fin.” Piper kissed his cheek.

“Hey, Maggs.”

“Hi, Fin.”

Piper loved Fin like a brother. He was close to Joe, and had followed her cousin here for a visit and ended up staying. He was a heartbreaker who knew exactly when to use that killer smile.

“Fin, you coming over for pool night?” Ted asked him.

“Sure, next month right?”
