“Well lookwho’s finally got time for his old buddy Alastor,” Alastor says upon answering my FaceTime call later that evening. Trent has ducked back to his place to have a quick shower and change before we head out for some food now that the weather has turned from pouring rain to a steady drizzle. While I wait for him, I figured I’d take the opportunity to check in with Alastor.
I offer a wry smile. “Sorry. Been a little busy the past couple of days.”
His brows creep up as he studies me curiously. “You seem a bit more chipper today. Wait—” his eyes widen in dawning apprehension. “Holy shit. You fucked him, didn’t you?”
I bite my lip in hesitation, glancing away from the screen. “Not exactly.”
From the corner of my eye, I can see Alastor’s jaw drop. “Oh my fucking god. You lethimfuckyou?”
“Calm down, it’s notthatbig a deal.” I’m not an exclusive top—obviously—but I don’t bottom that often. What can I say? I like being in control, so I’ll only bottom for a guy who’s happy to let me call the shots. That’s one of the reasons why Alastor and I would never have made it in a relationship together. Well, that and the fact that neither of us has ever been attracted to the other.
Alastor lets out a slow whistle, his expression part incredulous, part impressed. “Wow. So, are you going to give me details now?”
“No,” I say shortly.
“Oh, come on,” he presses. “I tell you about all the guys I fuck. It’s only fair.”
“Youbragabout all the guys you fuck,” I correct. “I don’t solicit the information.”
Alastor just rolls his eyes. “God, you can be boring sometimes. Even when you’re doing something interesting—how is that possible?”
“You can’t actually be serious?”Trent asks with a wry laugh. “How isEdithyour favourite character?”
“She has a lot of pluck,” I say defensively. “She has to go through a ton of shit and then she comes out on top at the end of it.”
“But how can anyone rate her above the Dowager?”
It’s still pretty lousy outside, and despite how much I love getting naked with Trent, neither of us actually have the stamina to keep it up twenty-four seven, so we’re currently snuggled together on the little couch in his bungalow watchingDownton Abbeyon his laptop.
“I still can’t believe you like this show,” I muse. “I figured you as more of a sitcom kind of guy.”
“I like sitcoms,” he says with his trademark smile. “But I have a weakness for period dramas. It’s the history geek in me.”
I remember the well-worn Ken Follett book he was reading on the beach last week and nod. “Makes sense.” I snuggle in closer, resting my head on Trent’s shoulder. “I wonder how much longer this rain’s going to keep up? It’s not exactly the wet season anymore, is it?”
Trent arches a brow at me. “Why? Sick of being stuck inside with me?”
I offer a wry smirk. “Not exactly.”
Ireally love kissing Xav. I love how responsive he is; how he just gives himself over completely, clinging to me for dear life as though I’m the only thing keeping him standing. It’s so heady—having this effect on someone—and I’m not entirely sure if this newfound addiction of mine is simply a result of that, or if there’s something about Xavier that’s drawing me to him specifically, or if it’s because of something else entirely…
I haven’t put all that much thought into it yet, but I know I’ll have to examine it more closely soon. Even if we do go home and things go back to normal, I can’t just pretend as though I haven’t been attracted to a guy for the first time in my entire life.
“I really should have thought to bring some lube in here,” he murmurs regretfully as his hands slide over my wet skin, making me shiver despite the heat of the shower water sluicing down on us.
I can’t help but agree. Pashing and feeling each other up in the shower is awesome, but sex in the shower would definitely be a million times better.
“I was thinking about it and maybe next time you should put your dick in me,” I suggest with a casual shrug. Yep, I really need to examine this whole attraction-to-a-man thing further.
Xavier’s head rears back, his eyes wide in obvious shock. “You—what?”
I blink at him. “Oh…sorry. Is that…do you not do that?” I could have sworn Xavier mentioned something about topping the night we first had sex, but everything from that night is such a blur I could definitely be remembering wrong.
Xav shakes his head. “No, I do—I’m versatile. I’m just a bit surprised you’d suggest it, that’s all.”