I shrug. “Well, I figure we’ve only got a couple of days left—I want the full gay experience while I have the chance.”
He casts me a doubtful look. “Have you ever tried anal play?”
I hesitate. “Like…with beads and stuff?”Do I look like Christian Grey?
“Or even just a finger?”
I shake my head. “Surprisingly, there aren’t many girls frothing at the bit to put their finger up a guy’s bum.”
Xavier lets out a loud sputter of laughter, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Only because there aren’t many straight guys who wouldn’t freak out on them. Ahh, the joy they’re missing out on,” he adds with a rueful shake of his head.
“Okay, so we’re agreed,” I say with a nod. “I’ve been missing out and you’re going to help me rectify that by putting your dick in me.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so, babe,” he says with a wry smirk. “You’ve got to crawl before you can walk.”
“What does that mean?”
He steps closer, his hand reaching around me to slide down over my arse, his fingers teasing my crease as he answers. “It means I’m going to have a lot of fun over the next couple of days introducing you to your prostate.”
I shiver at the pure sex dripping from his voice. If Xav’s anticipation level is anything to go on, I have a feeling I’mreallygoing to like this introductory course. “When do we start?”
His lips quirk up in a teasing grin. “We can start right now.”
I glance around nervously, half expecting him to pull a string of anal beads from behind his back. As though sensing my thoughts, Xav lets out a soft chuckle. “Don’t worry. We’ll start slow. Turn around,” he instructs, lifting his hand to gesture a circle in the air.
After a brief moment of hesitation, I comply, turning around to face the tiled shower wall. I sense Xavier moving up behind me, and then I feel his hands moving over my body—slowly down my torso, over my hips, before stopping to palm my arse.
“Shit, this is a nice arse, babe. I’mreallygoing to enjoy doing this.”
“Enjoy what?”
In lieu of an answer, Xav gets on his knees behind me. And before I have a chance to comprehend what’s happening, I feel his tongue sliding all along my crease. Andoh. My. God.
I can safely say that I’ve never experienced anything like this before. The way it feels to have Xavier lick and suck and kiss around my hole before actually pushing his tongueinsideme ismind-blowing. The pleasure he’s giving me is just so fucking intense; if it weren’t for the shower wall in front of me, I seriously doubt I’d even be standing right now.
The whimper that falls from my lips when he removes his mouth from my body is pretty fucking embarrassing, but only a moment passes before I feel a new sensation of something firmer than Xavier’s tongue penetrating me, pushing in deeper. It only takes me a moment to realise it must be one of his fingers.
It feels weird at first, but then he starts moving it in and out and my body adjusts.
“Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck!”I cry out as a furious jolt of pleasure shoots through my body.
“Yep, so that’s your prostate,” Xav says with a breathy chuckle.
Holy fuck. What the hell have I been doing all these years letting that go neglected?
“Fuuuccckkk…”I groan, feeling completely wrung out as Xavier brushes over the spot several more times. I’m so close to coming, but I can’t even move my hand away from the shower wall to finish myself off. It’s like I’m paralysed with pleasure.
“Shit. I need…I need…” I’m trying to tell Xavier that I need his hand on me, but I can’t get the words out.
“I know what you need, babe,” he assures me. And then he removes his finger from my arse and dives back in with his tongue.
I let out a harsh groan as my climax rushes up and I paint the shower wall with my cum.
Xavier removes his mouth from my arse and gets to his feet behind me, moving in close and wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Well, I’d say the first session was a rousing success. You definitely enjoy anal play.”
“Is that what it feels like to have a dick in you?” I ask curiously. “‘Cause I’d definitely enjoy it if that’s the case.”
Xavier lets out a breath of amusement and moves his hands to my hips. “Turn around.”