He shakes his head slowly, clearly still baffled. “But…why?”

“Because…” I shrug. “I happened to be chatting to Xav and mentioned the trip. I suggested it’d be good for him to get away—you’re not the only one people are giving a hard time, you know. It’s not exactly easy for him to be treated like he’s got a fatal disease.”

Shame washes over Jack’s face and he glances away. “Yeah, I guess not. That doesn’t explain why you’re there with him, though. You’remybest friend, not his. Why didn’t King go?”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “You realise you sound about six years old right now, right? I’m allowed to be friends with both of you. There’s plenty of Trent to go around.”

Jack groans and rubs a hand over his face. “Sorry. You’re right, I’m being a shit. It’s just a little weird, that’s all.”

“I’m not taking his side against you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I assure him. “You know I’m never against you.”

He offers a shaky smile. “Yeah, I know.”

“Good. So, what are you doing now if you’re back from the beach?” I press, ready to change the subject.

“I was actually thinking of asking your mum if I could help out for a bit at the farm,” he says. “Thought I’d ask you to come with but obviously that’s a no go.”

I grin at him. “Yeah, absolutely you should go. Mum and Granddad would love to have you up there,” I assure him. “They’ll put you to work, though, so make sure you’re ready for that.”

He shrugs. “It’ll be worth it to be around some people who don’t scowl or glare or sigh in disappointment at the sight of me.”

“You won’t be able to hide out up there forever, you know,” I warn in a gentle tone. “You’ll have to face everyone sooner or later.”

He lets out a soft sigh, nodding. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back for Tet. Mum thinks I’m shrouded in bad luck because I missed the community celebration last year, so she’s making us all go this year. No exceptions,” he explains unenthusiastically. “Hannah’s had to back out of a trip to the Gold Coast for it so you can imagine how thrilled she is with me right now.”

I offer a wry smile. “And how is that a change from the usual?”

He lets out a soft laugh. “Fair point. Anyway, I should go so I can call Mags—I was hoping to get up there tonight if I can.”

“I’m sure there won’t be any problem,” I assure him again, knowing full-well Mum will be thrilled to have Jack come and stay.

“Alright, well, have fun on your trip,” he says, albeit with some reluctance. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

My brows shoot up. “Jeez, that gives me a bloody long rope.”


Bedside table - Nightstand




I saw on the website your flight landed safely. Message back to let me know you’ve arrived at the hotel.



I give a wry shake of my head when I emerge from a shower to see the text from Mum. She’s had a phone for years but still hasn’t worked out the difference between a text and an email.

Dutiful son that I am, I text her back to let her know we’ve checked in.

Mum:And did you remember to bring your asthma pump? I’m not sure where you’d get medical help there if you need it

Mum:And what about your rashie? You have very pale skin Xavier. You need to remember to Slip, Slop, Slap!