Mum:And did I tell you about the temple that brings good fortune to its visitors? You need some of that right now darling
Mum:And don’t drink too much! Of course I want you to enjoy yourself, but don’t go overboard. You don’t want to do anything silly.
Mum:And wear condoms! I know you’re on PREP but that doesn’t protect you from other things!
I stare at my phone numbly as text after text pops up on the screen. I realise she must be using the voice-to-text function, and the way it feels like she’s actually right here in the room fussing over me even though I can’t hear her voice is incredibly unsettling.
Me:Jeez Mum, calm down!
Me:Yes, I have my asthma pump and my rashie and I’ll remember to wear plenty of sunscreen and won’t drink too much
Me:Just FYI we’re in a resort in the main city, not in some mountain hut or something so there ARE medical facilities around here but I’m sure we won’t need them
Mum:And condoms! Remember condoms!
I groan and pass a hand over my face.Whyis everyone so hell-bent on me using this holiday for rebound sex? Alastor and Trent are bad enough but hearing it from my own mother is just plain disturbing. Of course, telling her I have no plans to hook up with anyone on this holiday will just open a whole new discussion that I’m really not in the mood for, so I decide to simply humour her instead.
Me:Of course
Me:I’d better go finish unpacking
Mum:Enjoy yourself, darling. And don’t forget the temple!
I’m baffled for a moment before I realise that amongst the stream of texts earlier was a recommendation for a temple that will bring me good luck. I roll my eyes.If only it were that simple.
I jerkawake to the sound of my front door crashing open. I have no idea what time it is; I have a vague recollection of falling onto my bed in exhaustion after my text exchange with Mum, and then…well, obviously I fell asleep.
“Oh, shit, sorry. I didn’t realise you were asleep.” Trent says from the doorway of my bungalow. “It’s happy hour at the bar. Thought you might be up for a few cocktails.”
I groan and roll onto my back. “Can’t I just sleep?”
“You’ll end up with your body clock all out of whack if you go back to sleep now,” he points out. “You’ll end up waking up at, like, two in the morning.”
I let out an annoyed grunt, not wanting to admit that he’s right. The first rule of travel is always to get on a normal sleep schedule as soon as possible. Melbourne to Thailand is hardly the worst transition when it comes to jet lag, but I’ll enjoy my holiday more if I can get into a normal sleep routine.
Reluctantly, I slide off the bed, wiping a hand over my face to clear away some of the lingering lethargy. “Alright,” I grumble. “Just give me a second to get ready.”
Trent grins broadly. “There’s that enthusiasm I’m looking for.”
I roll my eyes at his facetiousness and pad into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and splash some water on my face.
I consider changing my clothes, but Trent’s dressed ultra-casual in boardies, singlet, and thongs so I figure I’ll be fine in the shorts and t-shirt I’m wearing. We’re at the beach after all.
I gesture for Trent to precede me out the door and I follow after him, locking the bungalow behind me.
“So, is this how it’s going to be for the next two weeks?” I ask in a weary tone. It’s been a matter of hours and I’m already starting to regret this decision to come here. Or more specifically, to come here with Trent. “You barging in on me and dragging me off to do things I don’t really want to do?”
He offers a bright grin. “I prefer to think of it as encouraging you to do things you didn’t realise you wanted to do. Just think of me as your Fairy Godfather,” he says animatedly. “I’m here to make all your wishes come true.”
I send him a sceptical look. “And if my wish is to be left alone so I can sleep the days away in my room?”
He lets out a soft chuckle, his eyes shining with wry amusement. “That’s a terrible wish, mate. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Beaches, pampering, sight-seeing, partying…” He taps a finger to his temple. “Full itinerary locked away in here.”
I scowl at him. “That sounds like allyourwishes, not mine.”
“Trust me. Two weeks here following my carefully cultivated schedule and you’ll feel like a new man.”
I let out a groan of resignation. “I have no choice in this, do I?”