Page 40 of Severed By Magic

I wasn't sure how to get them to trust me. Or if I even wanted them to.

I might have more freedom than Sai, but I knew I was being observed and evaluated at all times, not just by Steven, but by everyone I worked with. Fine by me. I had plenty to hide from them, and I didn’t allow their scrutiny to impact my ability to keep up. I simply did exactly as I was told, nothing more, nothing less.

When Steven introduced me to the site lead for the school repair, I followed his directions to the letter, avoiding both complaint and commendation. It didn't bother me to eat lunch alone or to go the entire day without speaking to anyone. I did my best to be invisible. My hawk form made it easier for people to let their guard down, for me to overhear things I shouldn't. People didn’t hold back when they thought they were alone. I wanted that with the crew. I wanted them to forget about me, then they wouldn’t clam up the way they had for the past few weeks.

After enough time passed, they saw me as just a quiet worker and opened up. So far, I learned nothing interesting, just details of their families, their favorite TV shows, and fantasy leagues. There were no rugby teams here, but they had a few pickup football games a couple of nights a week. Anyone could show up at the field and join. Since we hadn't been explicitly invited, I didn't bother telling the guys.

When their focus shifted from their personal lives to complaining about the Alpha, I perked up without letting on that I was listening, which was easier said than done while using a nail gun.

“It's been weeks, and nothing's changed,” one guy complained. He handed a two-by-four to the man next to him.

“Well, what did you expect? He's all words and no action. Always has been. You know unless it affects him directly, nothing changes,” another guy replied, then swiveled his eyes around at the other workers.

I ducked my head and shot another nail, pretending to be focused on my work and not their conversation.

“That's why we need some new blood,” the second guy continued.

“Yeah, but new blood means Tom.”

Everyone groaned.

We weren't the only ones who I got a bad vibe from him.

“You don't know that. He might be the direct successor, but that's not always who ends up being the Alpha.”

“You think he will let any of his brothers pass him up? He would kill them first.”

They weren't serious. Were they?

“At least he wouldn't let a bunch of strangers into our compound without even talking to anyone first.”

And that had to be us.

I slowly shifted further out of view, but where I could still hear them, hoping they would forget I was there.

“I don't like us harboring hybrids. Have you heard about all the people gone missing? Thirty-four just last month.”

Thirty-four? That was more than double the last count I heard. Why wasn’t anyone doing anything? Why was this being allowed?

“Bringing his granddaughter here was a mistake. He's just putting a target on our pack.”

“He might not have to fight, but you know who's going to be called to battle? Us! We're going to be the ones risking our necks while he goes off playing diplomat or something. It's not right.”

“She's his granddaughter. What do you guys expect? Would you protect your children if they're being hunted by the Council? You heard what happened. She was nearly on the plane when they got to her. Who knows what the Council would have done to that girl? If it comes to war, then we'll get through it. We always have, and we always will.”

They heard the whole story about us leaving the Academy? How did that get out? I wanted to ask how he knew, but listening was more important than my curiosity.

“She's not one of us.”

“That's not her fault. Maybe if the Alpha hadn't let that rumor spread all these years ago, she would have found us quicker. She would have been raised here with her people.”

At least one of them was on our side. Kind of. He supported Saige, and that’s what mattered most.

“Are you saying you would die for her?”

“I'm saying that it's not her fault. She's a child and a victim of her circumstances. You know if Peter was here, he would ask us to protect her. None of you would dare say no.”

“Well, Peter's not here.”