Page 33 of Severed By Magic

“I was a kid when your father died. I wasn't aware of what was happening. I didn't understand the dangers your parents faced. I just knew they were happy, and they loved each other.” He paused for a moment. “I barely remember meeting you. But I know my family, all of us, we loved you so much.”

That was such a strange concept. They loved me, but didn’t know me.

“Will you tell me more about my dad? What was he like?”

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Peter was the typical middle child. He was funny, loved pranking the rest of us, and was more than happy to let Tom and Steven be the responsible ones. He and Rodney were really close, but they would let me tag along most of the time. He always had a smile on his face. It was like negativity just bounced off him. Any time my brothers fought, he was the first to make peace and move on. He said life was too short to be anything but happy.” He glanced down and smiled at me. “He was never happier than when he was with Amber. You look so much like her. She was the most loving person I think I’ve ever met. She was the big sister I always wanted. I love Abi and Tawnya, but I think it was different because I knew them before. They grew up here. She didn’t treat me like an annoying little brother, like they did. Amber was more laid back and played with me. She had the most amazing laugh. She was perfect for Peter. They were best friends that fell in love.”

“Were they scared?” I interrupted. It was something I’d wondered before.

“About being together?”

I nodded.

“They never acted like it, but then again, I doubt they would have told me.”

I hoped they didn’t live in fear, that they enjoyed their time together without anything hanging over them, like it was for me.

“It took all of us a long time to accept the truth, that they were dead. They were too bright, too full of love and joy to just be gone. And to lose you too.” He paused and shook his head. “It broke each of us in different ways.” He continued walking, keeping his eyes on the road. “I think the news of Peter, Amber, and you dying killed my mom. I think her heart broke.” He kicked at a small clump of snow. “Don't get me wrong. I love Gloria, but part of me wonders if my mom would have lived longer if she knew you were alive. If they found you and brought you home, it would have changed a lot. I probably shouldn't dump all of our family drama on you, but we all changed when Peter and Amber died, and not in the best ways. To say finding out about you was a shock is the understatement of the century. We're all so unbelievably happy and grateful that you're here, but it's bringing up a lot of old emotions, old memories, that most of us have tried to suppress. Don't think for a second that any of the negative has to do with you. It's more about forcing us to deal with the things we left broken.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Wanting him to fill the silence with a mini tour and getting sixteen years' worth of family suffering were very different, but this is a lot better. I needed to hear they wanted me.

I cleared my throat. “I'm sorry to open up old scars, but I'm really happy in here too. Even if it is under less than pleasant circumstances.”

“The damn Council. If the shifters had any say, we would have done away with it a hundred years ago and let species manage themselves. I get what it was for back in the day, but we've all proven we can get along. They've had too much control for too long, and it's gone to their heads, making them think they can control who people mate with. It’s disgusting.”

Relief poured through me to know he didn’t hate my parents' relationship or mine, or that I was a hybrid.

He stopped and pointed to a break between the buildings. “Your training’s through here.”

I was about to leave, but he spoke up. “I want to talk with you more. I want to get to know you, and I want you to have the chance to get to know me. Rodney and Dad can come on a little strong, but they just need some time to get used to having you around.”

“I would like that,” I replied sincerely.

“We can get dinner sometime soon.”

“That sounds great.” I nodded and took a step back as another man approached.

“Rainer? What are you doing over here?” he asked.

“You have a new student.” Rainer gestured toward me, and the man looked me over.

“Right. Nancy said to expect you. You’re just a bit older than my average student.”

“She’s only been able to shift for a few months. She still needs to learn the basics,” my uncle explained.

The man offered his hand. “I’m Jeff. Let’s head back. We can get to work.”

I waved to Rainer before following my new teacher. For some reason, I expected this to be private tutoring, but when we got past the buildings to an open clearing, about a dozen preteens stood in small groups, laughing and pushing each other. They spotted me and fell silent. I got several strange looks, and Jeff clapped his hands.

“All right, pups, this is our new student, Saige. You all be nice to her and help her if she has questions.”

They nodded, and Jeff waved them to the open spot in the middle. I moved forward, into the center, before turning back to face him.

“Now class, what’s the number one rule?” He paced in front with his hands behind his back.

“Respect the Alpha,” they called back to him.

“Correct. Number two?”