Page 34 of Severed By Magic

“Respect each other.”

“And rule number three?”

“Pack is family.”

Unexpected emotions swelled within me, giving way to an overwhelming sense of belonging and love, like my wolf knew we were finally safe. This was where we belonged.

“Let’s start with a warm up.”

Jeff went to a container near the back of the building and reached in, carefully removing something without letting us see.

“Whoever can tell me what’s in my hand gets to keep it!”

The kids around me sniffed the air, some tilting their heads back as if that helped.

“Oh!” One girl threw her hand up.

“Poppy?” Jeff called.

“A blueberry muffin.” She sniffed one more time. “From Ms. Shirley!”

“Right!” Jeff opened his hand to reveal the treat in a sealed back before tossing it to the winner.

She could really smell that? Could the others?

“Now, let’s play our next game. Name the song!” He pulled out his phone and pressed a button. Everyone around me went silent.

I listened but didn’t hear a single note before the boy next to me raised his hand and correctly identified the song.

Jeff eyed me but continued the class, mentioning nothing. Did he think it was weird I wasn’t participating? It wasn’t because I didn’t want to. I couldn’t. I didn’t have the heightened senses shifters had in their human form.

It hadn’t bothered me until now. Not smelling things like Daniel and Malik had told me about was fine. It was weird knowing Sai and Kaden could tell when I was on my period. I didn’t want that ability. But improved hearing would be helpful, so would sight.

He went through more exercises, testing the preteens with games and prizes until just about everyone had the chance to win. Except for me.

“What’s wrong, Saige? Are you shy?” he asked in front of the group, making the kids giggle and look at me.

I wanted to glare at him, but getting on the bad side of my first teacher here didn’t seem like the best idea.

“No, sir. I don’t have my wolf’s abilities in my human form,” I answered, earning a gasp from my classmates.

“Why not?”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I thought everyone could.”

I ignored the voices and kept my eyes locked on Jeff. He had to know my history, right? The elders or Nancy would have told him.

He kept his expression neutral and clapped to regain the group’s attention. “Moving on. Let’s practice widening our reach to feel the pack.”

Everyone went back to their spaced-out positions, some even closing their eyes. I had no idea what he was talking about. Feel the pack? That wasn’t something I ever tried, or thought was possible. Then again, this was my first week in a pack.

“Relax and forget yourself. Move past your thoughts and emotions. Feel for those around you.”

This sounded like meditation, but one by one, the kids raised their hands. Some grinned as if this exercise actually made them happy. They enjoyed it, or whatever they were picking up on.

“Saige, give it a shot.” Jeff moved in front of me.