Page 82 of Seized By Magic

Chapter 19

Ineeded time and space alone. It wasn’t so much that I feared what the vision could mean. I simply had too many emotions to process. After my classes were done, I sent the guys a text and asked if I could use the cabin for a few hours.

Sai explained how to get there and said the spell wouldn't apply to me, so I would be able to get in without issues.

I expected more of a protest. None of them even asked to come with or even walk me there.

By the time I got in and stepped out of my boots and hung my coat, I didn’t care about their reasoning. It was so nice—and rare—to be alone. I plopped onto the sofa and soaked in the silence for several minutes.

Then the urge to get to the reason for coming resurfaced.

I pulled out my phone and video called Mom. It should be after dinner but before bedtime. The two hours when everyone was home and together.

“Saige!” Aiden answered the phone.

“Hi, Aiden.”

The view turned, and he readjusted his grip.

“Mommy, it’s Saige,” he called, and I saw Brielle waddle up next to him.

“Hi, Bri!” I started waving, and she blinked at me for a few seconds before bursting into tears.

Oh no. I was left watching in horror as she screamed and reached for Dad as he walked into the living room.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” he asked, wiping her chubby cheeks.

“I didn’t do it,” Aiden immediately said.

“I don’t think she recognizes me.” My voice cracked, and I had to clear my throat. I couldn’t cry. I wouldn’t.

“Oh, she’s going through a phase. She’s been super attached to your mom lately. I’m surprised she even came to me.”

I knew he was only trying to make me feel better.

It wasn’t her fault. I hadn’t called enough, at least not when she was awake.

“Saige, sweetie. How are you?” Mom took the phone from Aiden and moved to sit next to Dad. Bri didn’t reach for her. I knew it was a lie.

“I’m okay.”

I wasn’t sure what they told Aiden about my coma, so I kept it vague.

“We’re so glad. Masie called and told us you were a little sick. I’m so happy to see you’re feeling better.” Mom searched my face as if she could see proof of whether that was true.

“I am. It was good to be back in class.” This time, I didn’t have to force a smile. “I was able to do something I’ve been struggling with.”

Dad leaned over and cheered. “That’s awesome.”

“Do you think it’s because of the new . . .” Mom glanced at Aiden. “Bond?”

That was a random enough word that I doubted he would ask questions or repeat to anyone. “I think so. It’s the only thing that’s changed.”

Dad’s smile dimmed a bit. “How is that going?”

“It’s been fine. My room is bigger.”

His eyes narrowed. “The room you don’t share with anyone? The one you sleep in alone?”