Page 81 of Seized By Magic

But this one? Theo didn’t look much older than he was now.

“Me?” he asked.

I nodded once.

“It was bad?” he guessed correctly.

“She gets all doe-eyed and swoony when they’re good,” Hannah added oh so helpfully.

“What happened?” Theo asked.

Should I tell him? Could it change things? Would it protect him or make him paranoid?

“I’m not sure I should tell you.”

“We agreed to open communication, Saige.” He threw my words in my face.

I glanced at Sai, but he remained silent.

“I saw you being tortured.”

His face contorted from confusion to fear, then indifference. It was an act. He was pretending to be fine. For me.

“We won’t ever let that happen.” Kaden rubbed my back.

He was trying to be reassuring, but I wasn’t convinced.

What if I’d seen a glimpse of our future? Being taken by the council and poked and prodded under the guise of studying hybrids? What if they wanted to push us to our limits to see what we could survive? What if not all five of us made it out alive?