Page 62 of Seized By Magic


We had to make this work.

Theo picked up on the first ring. “What?”

“Come to Saige’s old room. Now.”

That was all I needed to say. “On my way.”

He hung up, and I dialed Sai.

“Yeah?” he mumbled.

“Come to Saige’s old room. Right now.”

There was a long, silent pause. “Do you have something?”

“Yes, now hurry.”

This time, I hung up and turned to see Natasha and Niall’s heads only inches apart as they broke down each line of the spell.

“What materials do we need?” I asked, needing something to do.

“I have everything but a container large enough to mix it all.”

“I can go down to the common rooms and see if there’s anything,” I offered.

Niall’s head snapped up. “No. I’ve got something.”

He turned to the side, opening up a pocket of space and reaching in. He pulled out a large pot and set it in the center of the room, then reached back in and retrieved a plastic drop cloth and spread that out.

“Why do you have that?” I asked, but he ignored me.

Natasha moved around the room, gathering bottles and tins and glasses of the remaining ingredients, then drew the curtains and lit candles.

By the time she was done, the room felt ready to host an evil ritual. A knock sounded, and Natasha let the other guys in before taking a seat across from me and next to Niall.

Sai surveyed our setup, frowning, but Theo immediately sat next to me and patted the open spot for Sai to join him.

“What’s this?” Theo asked.

“We found a spell we think will work,” Niall answered.

“And it involves her?” Sai asked, darting his eyes to Natasha, who gave a sinister smile. I was pretty sure she enjoyed making us feel awkward.

“Yes, it does,” I answered. If he was uncomfortable with this, he was probably going to leave when he found out what was required, and we needed him. Well, his blood. Theo, Niall, and I could still give enough to satisfy the spell, but giving more blood would complicate things.

“I’ll get this going,” she said while checking labels and adding things to the pot. “Niall, grab the knife and get started.”

He reached over and picked up the silver blade. “I’m not sure this is the most accurate way.”

She lifted the pot and pointed to the small kitchen scale below. “I’ll watch it.”

He nodded and slipped off his hoodie. Even though I knew what was going to happen, it was still shocking when he made a deep cut along his forearm, then twisting so the blood dribbled down.

“What the fuck!” Sai screamed.

“What did you think was going to happen?” I challenged. “In order to break the curse, we need to make a blood sacrifice.”