Page 61 of Seized By Magic

“She was cursed.” I was sick of the back and forth. If Natasha couldn’t, or wouldn’t, help us, we needed to move on. “We took her to the clinic on campus, but they weren’t able to help. She’s at a private facility now being treated, but they can’t figure out what the curse is or who did it.”

“What kind of curse?”

“She’s been in a coma for nine days,” I explained.

“Have you tried true love’s kiss?” She batted her lashes.

Niall glared at her. “This is serious.”

Natasha’s jaw tightened. She was angry but holding it in. “What does this have to do with me?”

“We need your help,” Niall hedged.

“Mine?” she challenged. “What can I do that the great Niall Kelly can’t?”

“Look, I’m not accusing you of anything. Whatever you do in your free time is your business, but I think you’re more experienced in some areas than I am.”

She didn’t move. Didn’t even blink. She wasn’t giving anything away.

“Do you do dark magic? Blood magic?” I asked.

Her eyes snapped to me. “How dare you.”

Niall put up his hands. “We don’t care, Natasha. We won’t say anything to anyone. We just need to know if you can help us or not.”

“With a blood spell?” Her narrowed eyes shifted to him.

“Yes,” I answered. I wasn’t afraid or intimidated by her. She could act tough all she wanted. I saw how she softened when we mentioned Saige. They might not be best friends, but she cared about her.

She paced the length of her bed twice before holding out her hand. “Let me see the spell.”

Niall pulled a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. I didn’t notice him copy it down in the library.

She read it over, then shook her head. “It requires too much. You’ll die.”

“Not if we split it between the four of us. Her mates.” He emphasized the last part. Confirming without outright saying we went through with the ceremony.

“I don’t know.” She glanced down at the paper. “It’s risky.”

“We’ll pay you whatever you want.” I offered without thinking that through. I doubted she wanted money. No, her price would be much higher, but we could make it work.

She grinned up at me. “What are you willing to part with?”

“Natasha, stop. We’ll give you whatever you want.”

“I’ve never had any hybrid materials to work with before.”

My stomach tightened. How did she know about me and Niall? She couldn’t. She was talking about our mate. “I’m sure Theo will give you venom or hair or whatever it is you need.”

She waved him off like she didn’t care. “I’ll do it.”

“Really?” I wanted to hug this wicked little witch.

“Yes, but we must do it quickly. The longer a curse is in place, the harder it is to undo. Can you get the others here?”

“Yeah, I’ll call them,” I offered while she and Niall discussed the details.

I moved to the other side of the room. The faintest hint of vanilla and ginger lingered.