Did I refuse him?
I succumbed to our desire and gave my body to him back before his darkness came up, so no matter how naïve I might seem, I know this marriage has nothing to do with me and everything with something else.
His past.
Only a monster’s past has the power to shake his life’s foundation so much he makes some unusual decisions.
If his timer wasn't ticking, he would have never revealed what truly hides behind the perfect and reckless image that’s Santiago Cortez.
I need to find out what really happened all those years ago, and it will be the key to all the angst gnawing at me.
I’m powerless to stop my attraction to him, my body forever responding to his, and maybe… just maybe if his explanation is good enough, I might close my eyes to all his deeds and live this life as his wife.
His father’s obsession didn't waver over the years, so why would his?
Crazy how I’m ready to tie myself to a psycho, but that’s my ugly truth, and I have to own it.
Playing the push and pull game exhausts me.
Maybe if I hadn’t crushed on him for years from a distance, I wouldn't have acted this way or even welcomed his touch.
Or more likely, if I had known normal human affection and love, I wouldn't have been starved for it so much and been so ready to accept it from him and his crazy family who thinks blackmailing someone into a marriage is a great idea.
Somewhere out there, a psychologist probably shakes his or her head at my thoughts.
Lenora nudges me a little with her foot, and I come back to the subject at hand, while she prompts, “Well?”
“Yes, I’m in love with him. You know all the stories about his father going crazy over his mother, right?” She nods. “We met once in Greece and spoke on the phone a lot after that.” She drops her hands on the table in surprise at my quick bullshit. “He proposed, so I decided to live in the moment. Why wait? Life is too short.”
Lenora silently roams her orbs over me, digesting this information while I’m sweating bullets. Finally, a huge smile spreads on her face. “Oh my God. It’s true. I’m so happy, and we must drink to that.” She wraps her hand around her glass and lifts it up. “To the bride and… oh crap, I forgot it’s empty.” She waves to a passing server, but no one pays attention to her, mostly because our booth is secluded in the corner, and we barely have any light here. Which works splendidly for the woman who is about to have her first orgasm. “I can’t even drink to my best friend finding her man.”
Tapping on the table, I show her a button on it. “You’re supposed to click here instead of waving.”
Lenora gets up instead and adjusts her flowery dress, winking at me. “I think I’m going to the bar myself. Be back soon.”
“Sure,” I absently reply, glancing toward the bathroom hallway, and frown, still not spotting Jimena anywhere in sight.
She’s been in there what, around fifteen minutes now? Shouldn't she be out by this point?
Putting my glass on the table, I jump up and go to the bathroom, wanting to make sure she’s all right, because she was feeling off on the ride here.
Navigating my way through the various bodies on the dance floor pressing against each other, I see several hands slipping inside pants or dresses, where they wouldn't be in more decent places. I speed up a little and finally end up in the narrow, black hallway leading to the glossy bathroom doors that show my reflection.
When I’m just about to walk through, I hear two voices coming from my right and take a few steps back, noticing another hallway leading to the elevator door, and judging by how no one wanders around here, this must be the area leading to “the guy’s space” Sam mentioned earlier.
“I need to talk to you.” I recognize Jimena’s voice now, tiptoe even closer, and lean on one of the columns, peeking subtly so they don’t notice me. I see Jimena and Florian to my shock, since Sam told us the dark four were not planning to come here tonight.
Spying on them is wrong on so many levels, but I don't want to interrupt whatever is going on right now and put us all in an awkward situation. I can’t go back now without them hearing me; my heels would click loudly, as the music in the club has temporarily stopped.
Florian presses the elevator button. Coldness coats his voice when he replies to her, sending discomfort through me, and I wonder how Jimena doesn’t step back. “Too bad. My plans for tonight don’t include you.”
She rubs her arms, wincing a little as if it physically pains her to hear him say that, but straightens her back nevertheless, while pressing, “It’s important, Florian. The night we spent together months ago—”
He doesn't let her finish, interrupting her right away. “Means nothing to me.” Jimena pales a little, and I shake my head in disbelief at his cruelty, while anger sparks inside me, my fists itching to punch Florian so he can choke on his words.
He sleeps with his best friend’s sister and then tells her it meant nothing? I always knew he was a whore, but at least I thought he was a decent whore, not an asshole.
“I know. You made that absolutely clear.” She twists her hands together and continues to talk, although by how her chest rises and falls, I know it costs her a big effort. “There is something you should know.”