The victory tastes bitter on my tongue, as I won't truly rest until everyone rots in hell where the devil can feast on their flesh, destroying their souls and bodies till they beg for mercy.

But even then, no one grants it to them.

They've made me a monster incapable of any human emotion.

They killed my spirt and soul, forever smearing me in blood and agony that will be glued to me like a second skin.

Life is cruel.

And I’m going to show all these fuckers just how much.


“Would you like anything else, Mrs. Cortez?” Lenora snorts, and I kick her lightly under the table, so she ends up choking on her drink.

Ever since we arrived, I’ve been called Mrs. Cortez so many times I’ve lost count. It seems everyone tries to go out of their way to introduce themselves to me or indicate to me they know who I am.

At first, I hardly noticed it, because I was too busy studying the club with my mouth dropped open—from the colorful design to the sophisticated and expansive interior.

The way everything around here screams success and power, how the staff move flawlessly, and the people enjoy their life to the fullest almost made me think I was in a different world when I stepped inside.

A world where pleasure and desire ruled.

A loud moan comes from the booth next to us where I see a woman sitting with two men, who apparently know how to get her off, judging by how she’s been groaning and moaning for the last twenty minutes.

The server, Emma, blushes and offers, “Would you like to change booths? Santiago has one on the second floor. It’s private, and no one’s going to bother you there.”

Lenora arrived shortly after us and hugged so tight I thought she’d break my ribs before scolding me seven ways to Sunday, and she only managed to calm down when the club itself diverted her attention.

She forgave me quite quickly after that.

Sam offered us Santiago’s booth, but we all refused, because we wanted to feel the atmosphere of the club in full force.

However, judging by how people grind on each other on the dance floor and the sounds coming from another booth, the first floor is filled with people ready to have sex wherever, and I’m not sure I need the visuals right now. Or ever. “We might. We’ll let you know once Jimena is back.”

Emma nods and walks off, already running to the newly arrived customers.

Lenora pushes her empty drink away and rests her chin on her entwined hands as she puts her elbows on the table. “Since your sister-in-law is in the bathroom right now, tell me the truth.”

Oh crap. I should have expected something behind her cheerful personality the last hour without asking any questions. I should have known she’d ask them the minute Jimena left us alone. “What truth?”

Her eyes meet mine, holding my gaze and not allowing me to look away, because she probably needs to see my emotions. “Are you in love with Santiago and married him because you wanted to?” She raises her hand in a stop sign and adds, “Rumors about them and their deeds have been notorious. So I find it suspicious that on the day the whole fam was slaughtered, he married you.” She shrugs. “Sounds insane, but I have to make sure.”

Swallowing past the lump in my throat and taking a deep breath, because honestly, how does one lie to a person who knows you so well she’ll probably smell my bullshit a mile away? However, lying is the best solution until I figure out what’s really going on around me and in my marriage.

I did some thinking while waiting on Jimena to get ready and came to several conclusions.

Something horrible happened to Santiago a long time ago, something so devastating he still holds a grudge against his father for it, and the marriage proposal coming out of nowhere… raises the question of why me.

He might want me obsessively, but his interest in me started way before he saw me. His suddenly coming to a dinner party Grandmother hosted wasn't a coincidence, and then ignoring Addison and Ava?

Yes, he came that night to see and form a connection with me.

The library encounter and the wedding ceremony that followed?

Santiago acts as if our time is ticking and everything might turn on its axis any minute.

Which probably wouldn't be this strange if one thinks he is a serial killer obsessing over a woman who refuses him, except…