Page 44 of Count Down

It’s time for me to be up-front with Gina.

I have to tell her who I am before her father does. I owe her that much. I’ll tell her I work for the mafia without going into detail. I trust her, but for her own safety she can’t know too much. I’ll let her know she’s in danger, that the Russians are after her and that her father’s in danger, too. But I won’t tell her I’m the one that’s going to kill him.

I’ll text her when I get home. Let her know we need to talk. It’ll probably be the end of us.



I thinkthe new idea for my piece is going to work. Ivan shows up toward the end of our rehearsal. I let Anthony and Daniel go but keep Anna a bit longer. I walk them through the ideas I have for the ending, just blocking out how I think it will work. I still have some tuning to do on the actual choreography, but I think it’s an exciting change.

Ivan’s a solid dancer, but he’s not the best male dancer in the corps. He’s always getting notes about his stern look when he’s on stage. He has a perpetual glower. Not a good look for most ballet pieces. He also doesn’t add a lot to his dancing. He’s technical, but not showy. Another thing he gets negative feedback on. But those are reasons I wanted him for this part. Though I’d never tell him that. I think his look is a good contrast to Anna’s and from both of the other guys. But he’s also a solid partner. He really is. I tell him and Anna that’s why I called him in to fill this element of the piece and he responds well to the praise.

After an hour of working with Ivan and Anna, we wrap up. I stick around for a bit more, marking the new section and making mental notes of the areas I want to think about. I’ve got four more rehearsals. Normally, I’d never make a change this big so close to the performance. But a lot has changed in my life. The piece I choreographed before I moved out on my own was very different. The intention was there, but I didn’t know what to do with it. Since being out on my own, since being with Luca, I’ve got so much more I want it to say. If this is the only chance I get, I want to give it all I’ve got.

As I gather my things, I check my phone. I got one text a while ago, which I assumed was from Luca. But it wasn’t. It’s from a number I don’t recognize.

Hey. I assume you’ve blocked me, so I’m messaging from a friend’s phone. I just wanted to say that Luca isn’t who you think he is. He tried to threaten me. He’s dangerous and you should stay away from him. Plus, he’s a piece of shit. Just thought I’d warn you.


I’m coming off the high of working on my choreography. I’m shocked to hear from Archie. He’s right, I did block his number. It feels like I blocked him ages ago. In another life. I’m not surprised that Archie would do something like this. That he’d try to get between me and Luca. I don’t think he’s trying to get backwithme, but it’s not unlike him to try and get backatme.

Archie says Luca tried to threaten him. That and the fact that I haven’t heard from Luca since he dropped me off this morning are what worry me the most.

Instead of driving home, I head directly to Luca’s.



I pullinto the alley to my parking garage and my headlights shine across a figure waiting for me. The taillights of their car reflect my headlights, someone leaning against the back of their car. I’d recognize that silhouette anywhere. It’s Gina.

The garage door opens and I pull my car into its spot and then walk back down to the alley.

“We need to talk,” Gina calls out to me from the alley.

“Yeah,” I agree. “Want to come in?”

She’s not making any movement toward me. She’s standing with her weight on one leg and her arms crossed and brows pulled toward each other. I’ve never seen her look so imposing before.

“Let’s talk in my car.”

I follow her and get into the passenger seat. I’ve never been in her car before. Usually, I’m the one driving her. She doesn’t start it. She didn’t want to come inside. Maybe her father already told her who I am. If so, at least she was willing to talk to me face-to-face. I wait to see what she has to say.

“Did you threaten Archie?”

“Oh, that,” I say. I’ve almost entirely forgotten about Archie. He’s the least of our worries.

“Why the hell would you do something like that?” She’s angry. But it’s nothing compared to how mad she’ll be when I tell her the rest. That that’s hardly the worst thing I do.

“Listen,” I say calmly. But it only frustrates her more that I seem to think crushing Archie’s hand is not that big a deal.

“What the fuck? You can’t do stuff like that—“

“That’s who I am!” I yell out. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Gina’s eyes go wide. Her mouth drops open. “Sorry, I just… I’m in the fucking mafia. I found someone following us. Following you. I thought maybe it was Archie, so I visited him. It turns out it was your father who had an investigator following you.” Gina’s look of horror turns to disbelief. “Your father is a target. The mafia wants him dead. And now you’re a target too. The Russians are after you, though I’m not sure exactly why.”

“What, were you assigned to protect me?” She’s thinking out loud. “No, if you’re mafia… are you—“