Page 46 of His Forever

Dinner was a loud and somewhat crazy affair and Marleigh’s heart smiled seeing how her family responded to Zeus and his mother. “You okay?” Zeus whispered to her.

“Yes, I’m good. Just enjoying being here with everyone,” she told him.

“Mamá? Tell Paulie more about the salon,” Marleigh asked.

“Hmm, well, we’re closed Sundays and Mondays, but other than that, we’re open every day and a half day on Saturday. I think I can get notices out that we’ll have a barber on site in the next week or so, how soon are you moving?” María-Luisa asked.

Marleigh burst out laughing at the look on her cousin’s face. He looked at Gray and then said, “We can probably be here in the next two weeks, but if you need me sooner, I’m sure I can camp out at Marleigh’s house.”

“That should work. So, two weeks? Or sooner?”

Gray finally spoke up and said, “If you need him sooner, he can go back home and be ready to go next week. I’ll take care of the stuff at home and that will give him a chance to look for someplace for us to live since we didn’t like any of the properties we saw the last time we met with that agent.”

“Paulie? You guys can stay with me for as long as you want,” Marleigh said. “I’m sure Zeus knows someone who does real estate so y’all can find the perfect house.”

“I do, Paulie, and will get you a few names and numbers,” Zeus responded.

“Marleigh? Go ahead and post it on our Facebook page that we will have a barber on-site starting Tuesday.”

Marleigh took her phone out and logged into Facebook and quickly updated the salon’s page. Feeling Zeus right next to her looking over her shoulder, she said, “We should take a selfie so I can post it!”

Before she could do anything, she felt her phone chime and looking at it, saw a text from Paulie with a picture of her and Zeus. “Oh, Paulie, I love this one!” she exclaimed. He was over her shoulder and the look on his face said it all – she was his focus. “Is it okay if I change my relationship status?” she asked Zeus quietly.

“Absolutely, mi siempre hermosa,” he replied before placing a kiss on her temple and sitting back. She took care of that quickly before putting her phone away.

Her aunt, having watched how Zeus interacted with her niece, smiled before saying, “I have to say, I like the small-town feel of Colbyville and am grateful that y’all welcomed my favorite niece with open arms.”

María-Luisa smiled back at Jeanie before saying, “She was destined to be here. My Jorge told me so.”

Talk shifted to the girl’s night out the next evening. Once again, Marleigh found herself pulling her phone out only this time, she sent a group text to Josie and Moira and Lena to invite them along. The men had already decided they would play cards at Zeus’ house and were discussing who would bring what to go with the steaks Zeus planned to grill.

Sitting quietly and observing as her family interacted with Zeus’ mother and Chandra, who had come with them, she was startled when he leaned over and said, “Mi siempre hermosa, as much as I’m enjoying this evening, we still need to hit Walmart.” Looking over at Paulie, he said, “There’s a hide-a-key in the front planter. Plenty of room for all of you so make yourself at home. We’re going to hit Walmart tonight instead of tomorrow and should be home shortly. Is there anything you’ll need? Beer? Wine?”

George spoke up and said, “Beer is fine with me, Zeus.”

A slight “discussion” ensued when the bill arrived and Marleigh smiled to herself when Zeus finally acquiesced to her father who insisted on covering all their meals. She smiled broader when she saw the other men toss down money to cover the waitress’ tip – it was almost as much as the bill itself. Leaving the restaurant, she gave her family a wave and headed to Zeus’ truck. Once settled inside, she sighed and he asked, “You okay?”

“Yeah I am. My dad told me my mom has started seeing a therapist and would likely be reaching out to me soon.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not really sure. I mean, she’s always been a bit aloof and standoffish with me. She acts like the sun rises and sets out of my sisters’ and brother’s asses, but me? Nothing I do is ever good enough and thathurtsZeus. So very much. My sisters got the shopping trips, I got the credit card to go with my friends. My brother was praised over the smallest thing. I was always told I could do better. So, I’m not sure I want to hear what she has to say, you know?”

He thought while he drove. He could see how much her mother’s distance had hurt her, but he also knew that she needed to try and move past it even if they couldn’t have the normal mother-daughter relationship. “Marleigh? Mi siempre hermosa? I think when she reaches out, you should talk to her. Ask her those questions. You may not like what you hear but honestly? No one deserves to feel like they’re unworthy and at least you’ll have your answers. And, I’m here to listen, okay?”

Watching one lone tear streak silently down her cheek, he reached over and carefully swiped it away. “I’ve got you, mi siempre hermosa. You’re not alone in this,” he told her gently.

She gave him a small smile and then asked, “Where am I sleeping tonight?”

“With me.”

“But…but mydadis in the house!”

“And we’re both adults. Let them think what they want, if you are staying in my house? You’ll be in my bed no matter what does or doesn’t happen.”

Ah, the bossy voiceshe thought as she silently shivered.If he knew how it affected her, he’d use it all the time!

Reaching Walmart, they got a cart and then worked through their lists, joking and laughing like they normally did. When she went to get a toothbrush, he looked at her and said, “Go ahead and get your favorite shampoo and stuff, mi siempre hermosa. That way, you can leave that stuff there.”