“Oh my goodness, really? Mamá, he knows his stuff! I promise!”
“Let’s talk over dinner, si?” María-Luisa asked. “You could make a good living because the closest barber shop is in the next town.”
“Then yes, let’s talk.”
Seeing her aunt at Chandra’s station, she walked over and admired the new color and cut she had gotten. “Aunt Jeanie, you look beautiful,” she said.
“By the time this weekend is over, I’m going to feel so pampered,” her aunt replied.
Zeus, coming toward them, said, “Every woman deserves to feel pampered.”
Marleigh smiled at him before saying, “I know I do, Zeus.”
Uncaring that they had a room full of her family, he kissed her.
“Get a room, chica!” Paulie called out as he led the client over to Josie’s chair.
“Whatevs, cuz,” she replied as she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Okay, are all of you done? Can we head to dinner?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, we’re all done,” her uncle said as he browsed through a tabloid. “And I cannot read about any more alien babies.”
“Paulie? Do you think they’d like the barbeque place?” Zeus asked.
“Yeah, I think so. It’s got more than barbeque if they aren’t in the mood for that,” he replied.
“How about Marleigh and I go and get cleaned up and we can meet over there in an hour or so?”
“That should work. Gray? Do you remember how to get there?” Paulie asked.
“Got it in my GPS so we’re good. We’ll see you there,” Gray responded.
She rode home with Zeus driving, internally groaning because the week had been busy and long. “Tired?” he asked.
“A little bit, but it’ll pass. Plus, you’re not weaseling out of our Walmart date.”
Laughing, he reached over and squeezed her hand. “Not happening, mi siempre hermosa. I love watching you go over the merits of the different chocolates you buy every week.”
He dropped her off with a quick kiss, promising to be back in about thirty minutes to pick her up. Running into the house, she got the cats fed and then took a quick shower, opting to change into a capri legging and short-sleeved tunic set. Finding her sandals, she slipped them on before pulling her hair up in a ponytail and swiping on some mascara and lip gloss. Hearing his knock on the door, she grabbed her purse and phone and headed out to meet him.
Getting into the truck, he pulled her close for a kiss and she breathed in his clean, fresh scent. “Mmm, you smell good,” she told him as she sat back and buckled up.
“As do you, mi siempre hermosa. Did you get the cats situated?”
“Yeah, they’ll be good for the night,” she told him. “Oh dang!”
“I forgot to grab a nightgown.”
He started laughing and reminded her that they were going to Walmart after dinner. “Yeah, that’s true. Let me make a quick list.”
Ah her lists. He also had lists of everything he wanted to do to her. Some day.