Me: Just because we go on dates doesn’t mean everything is forgotten.
Dylan: That’s not what it’s about. Everything was shaking from the beginning. I think we need to build something new. We just jumped in headfirst with you when we weren’t ready after what that woman did.
Me: Kyla went on dates with her men to get to know them, is that what you are wanting?
Dylan: Sort of the same thing. We need to work on separate relationships with each other, but also the one we all have together. This might be the best way.
Me: I’ll think about it.
Dylan: That’s all I ask.
Me: Goodnight Dylan.
Dylan: Goodnight Beautiful.
I re-read the messages over and over again until I fall asleep.
I look over at Dylan as he puts his phone away. He was texting with our woman, and I desperately wanted it to be me. Considering everything that happened and what I said, I didn’t feel like she would be open to talking to me right now.
“What did she say?” I ask hesitantly.
He looks over at me with defeat in his eyes. “She said she would think about it.”
“At least it wasn’t a no,” Easton says, sounding just as hopeless as me and Dylan are.
“We have to wait. The ball is in her court. We can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to do, or she will resent us for a long time. I don’t want that to happen,” I admit.
Dylan climbs back into bed after sticking his phone on the charger.
We all lay there on our backs, lost in our thoughts of Holly.
We haven’t been intimate since we lost Holly. It feels wrong to be doing anything without her.
She has become a part of this relationship, even if she doesn’t realise it because we are shitty at showing it.
The bed feels empty. Even with our three huge bodies in it, you can feel Holly’s missing presence.
I have to fix this. It’s completely my fault. If I wasn’t so fucking worried that Holly would fuck us over, then I wouldn’t have said shit that wasn’t true. She wouldn’t have left and been vulnerable for Helen and her brother to take for some stupid ass fucking plan.
Why the fuck Helen thought that it would work is beyond me. She was just going to show up with our babies from Holly, and we wouldn’t immediately suspect that she had something to do with Holly’s disappearance? I fail to see any logic in her plans.
No matter what she did, we would have never taken her back. We would have kept searching for Holly, no matter what.
How could we have failed to see the evil in Helen?
When did she go from a normal woman to psycho bitch?
I’m glad she’s getting what’s coming to her.
I hate that Holly will have to go through a trial. I would like Helen completely gone from our lives so we can all move on and heal.
I know I won’t get much rest until Holly is back in our home and in my arms.
Everything has to work out; it just has to.
Chapter Nineteen