
I waited a few days before I contacted the men plaguing my thoughts.

They all come over to Kyla’s house. Even though we are alone in the room, I know that Kyla is waiting in the kitchen; just in case I need her.

At least we have the illusion of privacy.

“Have you thought about what we talked about?” Dylan asks.

I blow out a breath and nod my head.

‘’I haven’t really thought about much else, but I don’t want to have the dates.” I hold my hand up in a wait gesture when all of their faces fall.

“Not like that- I wanted to do something different. I want you guys to show me something meaningful to you. I want to know you deep down. I want to know a secret or a memory. You won’t be taking me on dates but, instead, sharing with me something that shows your vulnerabilities,” I tell them, and quietly wait for their response.

Braxton rubs a hand over his face and Dylan looks sad for a moment. When I look at Easton, he is staring at his men like he knows what’s going on in their heads.

“I’m in,” Dylan croaks out, and I’m curious to see what causes that kind of reaction in him.

Easton stares at Braxton, and finally Braxton lifts his eyes to meet mine before nodding.

Easton turns to me last. “Do you want to do it alone with each of us, or do you want all of us there?” he asks.

“Whatever you guys prefer. I’m sure you all know what each of you is going to show me,” I say calmly.

“Okay, let’s do this together,” Braxton says before standing up.

I look up at him in surprise.

“Right now?” I ask with wide eyes.

He nods his head. “Yes, I will do anything to show you what you mean to me; to us. I’m also going crazy without you at home with us. We need you in our lives and, if this is what I have to show you to get you to see, then I would like to do it sooner rather than later.”

“Alright,” I say, and Easton moves to help me stand up.

I head to the kitchen to tell Kyla the plan. She nods her head and wishes me luck.

Hopefully, this doesn’t backfire on me.


I know Easton and Dylan want to ask me if I am okay. They already know this is something definitely personal and hard for me to talk about.

I drive across town, to where I grew up.

I park across the street from a run down house that looks like it needs to be condemned.

No one says anything until I gather the courage to say what I need to.

“This is where I grew up. It looks just as bad now as it did back then. I never came from money or loving parents. They were always chasing the next high, and I had to grow up pretty quickly. When I was old enough to leave, I did. I haven’t talked to them since, and I spent some days right here hoping that I could have the courage to talk to them. I was just a kid they had and then had forgotten about. I doubt they would even know who I am,” I murmur.

Tears well in my eyes when I think about all the years I just wanted to be loved, have someone look after me on occasion, and to not feel forgotten.

“You do matter,” Holly says, and it takes a second to realise that I said that all out loud.

I feel myself stiffen, but don’t say anything.

Her hand touches my arm, since she is in the passenger seat. “Brax, look at me,” she says firmly.