We turn on an action superhero movie and relax.
This feels like the best date ever.
It’s not normal for a woman to date three men, but these men make me feel things that I know could be great.
I see how hard Kyla and her men work at their relationship, and I know what goes into something like this with so many people.
I hope this works out for me. I’m not stupid enough to believe that there won’t be hard times ahead, but I hope we can get through anything thrown our way.
I feel myself getting a tiny bit closer to saying “yes” and moving in with them, but something in my gut is telling me to wait just a little bit longer.
After I stuffed my face, I lay against Dylan who wraps his arm around me.
Easton has my feet in his lap and Braxton is sitting in front of the couch, leaning against it.
I run my hand through his hair and smile softly.
I feel so peaceful. This is absolutely perfect.
I must have fallen asleep because I wake up laying on top of Dylan on the couch. The other two are in another room, but I can hear them talking quietly.
I look up, and Dylan glances at me and smiles. “Did you get a good rest?”
I nod my head. “I’m sorry, I fell asleep on you.”
I sit up and wipe my mouth in case I was drooling in my sleep.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, sitting up.
I stretch out and then look at the time. “I can’t believe I slept that long. It’s late,” I gasp.
“Why don’t you stay the night?” Dylan asks, and my eyes turn sharply towards him.
He puts his hands in the air, “Not like that. We have a guest room that we wanted to make yours until you were ready for more, but you can sleep in it tonight. I don’t want you going home so late,” he pleads.
“I suppose you are right. I really don’t want to go home this late. I’m so tired,” I say slowly.
“There you go. There is no need. I can get you one of my shirts to wear so that you will be more comfortable,” he says with excitement in his eyes.
“Why does she get to wear your shirt?” Easton asks, raising an eyebrow at Dylan.
“Yeah,” Braxton says with a nod of his head.
“Because it was my idea,” he says, narrowing his eyes at them.
“How about I just go into your closet and choose a random shirt. There will be no one chosen over the other,” I say loudly.
They all look at me and think over my words before nodding their heads.
“That sounds fair,” Easton finally says and gestures to the hallway.
“Alright. No one follow me,” I say pointing at all of them before getting up off the couch.
I turn to walk down the hallway and look back, catching them all looking at my ass. When they realise that I caught them, they don’t have an ounce of shame on their faces.
I smirk at them before walking into their bedroom.
They have a massive bed, which isn’t surprising considering how big and tall they all are. When I look over to the spot with double doors, I open them and look at the biggest closet I have ever seen. It could be another room.