That’s what I did.

I let myself feel. I ended up staying the rest of the weekend and seeing Dylan and Braxton on a more regular basis.

They became important to me in a matter of days.

I had that gut feeling when I met them that these men could change my life.

Dylan was persistent early on, and I’m glad he didn’t want me to leave that night.

Who knows where we would have ended up.

When we are finished thinking about the past, Braxton brushes his lips against mine just as Dylan walks into the room.

“We give it a couple weeks with Holly, taking it slow, but I want her here during the pregnancy. I don’t want to miss anything,” Dylan says before joining us on the bed.

“I think she will give in sooner or later. We just need to prove that we are there and won’t fuck up this time,” Braxton says.

I nod my head in agreement.

We can’t mess this up.

I refuse to let Holly slip through our fingers.

Chapter Nine


The men have been amazing. They show up to my place most days, they text often to make sure that I have everything I need and that I have all my cravings covered. It’s completely sweet.

They haven’t tried to convince me to move in, but they have been sending hints.

When I have a late night craving, one of them actually drives out to get it and drop it off. It would be easier if we lived in the same home. Dylan could probably just cook whatever I craved.

It all sounds so easy, but I still have my doubts.

Tonight, they have asked to me come over to their house and we are going to watch a movie. Dylan is in the kitchen cooking up a storm.

I told him I was craving chicken, but I wasn’t sure what kind or type or seasoning I wanted. He told me to leave it to him.

Which is what I did.

Whatever it is, it smells amazing.

The other two cleared the coffee table and the end tables. We are doing a makeshift buffet type supper.

They have made lemonade and some sort of fruit punch.

Dylan calls the men over for help. Only minutes later, they are all walking in with a ton of plates in their hands and my eyes widen at the amount of food being placed on the table.

There are so many options, I honestly don’t know what to think.

“How much did you make?” I gasp.

“I wanted to make sure I found what you were craving, so I made about eight different types of chicken plus some sides; we can’t just have protein for supper,” Dylan says with a wink.

“You are the best,” I whisper in awe.

They chuckle at the look on my face. Braxton hands me a plate and I grab one of everything.