“It makes sense. We need to get to know her. She will need help with the babies,” I tell him.

He shrugs but doesn’t look convinced. “I don’t think she’s going to move in here after the way we treated her, but it seems I’m outvoted. So, let’s head over there.”

We don’t waste any time heading over to Holly’s apartment. We knock and stand there for a good five minutes before we realise that she may not be home.

Easton dials her number, but it goes straight to voicemail.

“Call Kyla. She might know where she is,” I say.

Braxton pulls out his phone and dials, putting the phone on speaker.

“Hello?” Kyla asks, sounding odd.

“Hey, we were just at Holly’s, but she’s not home. Any idea where she could be?" I ask.

I hear a sigh before she speaks. “Yes, I know where she is. No, I’m not going to tell you. If I knew what assholes you guys would have been to my best friend, I wouldn’t have encouraged her to give you a chance. She will call when she’s ready to see your faces again. Until then, don’t bother.”

She hangs up the phone before anyone can say anything else.

“Well, fuck,” Braxton says pocketing his phone.

Easton rubs a hand over her face. “We really fucked up.”

“I didn’t realise that she was this angry,” I admit.

“I don’t think any of us did. We need to give her time,” Easton adds.

I nod my head, and follow my men out of the building.

Are we ever going to fix what we keep breaking? Is there going to be a point where Holly just has enough and never comes back to us?

Fuck, I hope it never comes to that.


I read Kyla’s text about the men being at my place, and calling her to find out where I am, with a sad smile.

I wish things could be different, but it doesn’t seem like they are ever going to trust me.

Without trust, there isn’t going to be a relationship to build on. I can’t live my life walking on eggshells because they are worried I’m going to deceive them in some way.

Everything is turning into a big mess, and I just need space to breathe. I need to deal with the fact that maybe a relationship may not work between us, but they will be in my children’s life. They are the fathers, and there is no way that I would keep the kids away from them.

“Everything okay?” my brother Dante asks.

I shake my head as tears fall from my eyes. “How did everything turn into such a mess?”

My brother puts his arm around me, and I let out the sob I have been holding.

“You can get through this. You are strong. You just need a mental break. Everything will work out,” he murmurs.

I nod my head, but I’m not sure I believe him. Right now, it feels like nothing is going to be okay.

I’m crazy about three guys who don’t trust me.

The thing about that is, I never gave them a reason not to trust me.

How do you gain trust when you didn’t do anything wrong?