Page 78 of Gambit's Queen

“I’m not going far, Cosmo. Just checking on food.”

“We’re getting ready to load the buffet tables. Ito and Half Pint have all the warming pans ready.”

“Looks like you guys have everything under control.”

“But you’re going to double check everything, anyway,” Cosmo said with a laugh.

“I am. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

I heard Papa’s deep voice behind me. “This party is already GOAT, and we haven’t started.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. Gambit and I spent six years with his Pops’ chapter in Baton Rouge before we started this chapter. Seven total with a year of prospecting.”

“I didn’t know that.”

Papa snorted. “Because you’ve both had a lot on your plate from the day you met. You’ll never stop learning about him, and he you. Love is a thing that grows. Yours will grow with you, Queenie.”

How the fuck do I reply to that? His words were nothing short of amazing and I had no clue how to reply. Not without giving the guys harassment fodder. Instead, I turned around and mouthed, “Thank you.”

Papa stepped toward her before engulfing her in a hug. As I returned the hug, I heard Smoke say, “Good thing Gambit’s not here to see you pawing at his woman.”

“Jealous I got a hug, and you didn’t?” Papa said, stepping back from the hug. I looked in time to see Smoke flip him off.

“Gambit wants us to do a final walk.”

I watched Papa and Smoke leave exchanging good natured jabs as they went. The next few minutes were spent fussing over last-minute details and sneaking a few taste tests. After I finished, I hurried out of the kitchen to find Gambit.

There were several people in the common area I didn’t recognize. Our guests must have arrived early. I didn’t spot Gambit immediately. Maybe he got called into another room. Perhaps the bar. That’s the most logical choice. Right? I was a few feet into the room when someone grabbed my ass.

I turned around expecting to see Gambit. Who else would grab my ass?

“Come one girl. Let’s go get acquainted,” the neanderthal that grabbed my ass said as he gripped my arm.

“I’m taken. Let go of me.”

“You’re not wearing a property patch.”

I struggled to get loose, but he gripped my arm tighter. My mind searched frantically for what to do in this situation.

“Let me go. Right the fuck now, asshole!”

The guy laughed and grabbed my hair, gripping it painfully. He twisted my head and brought his lips down. I brought my heel down on his shin. He helped pain and let go of my arm.

“Fucking bitch!”

The biker lunged for me but never made it. “You touch Gambit’s old lady and you’re gonna wish you were dead.”

“Fuck you, Blue. She’s not wearing a patch. That means she’s fair game.”

Blue inserted his muscular body in between me and Mr. Grabby. He was my height with my heels on. Which put him at three inches over six feet.

“Listen really close, Ratchet. I’ve been in another fucking country, and I KNOW this is Gambit’s woman. You have two choices. I can put you in the fucking ground or you can go ask Gambit.”

“Ask Gambit what?”

I’d been so engrossed in the conversation I hadn’t heard him approach. With a cry I spun and threw myself in his arms. My body was shaking. Gambit gathered me in his arms.