Chapter 39
Ican’t get over howprotective Gambit is. I’m thrilled to have people who care about me again. At twenty-four, I know I can take care of myself. But damn, someone having my back is amazing. I’d forgotten what it was like. Bernie did his best, but the man had a life of his own. Plus, he worked like eighty hours a week before he got sick.
Gambit’s fierce protection of me is hot. Talk about alpha male realness. He held my hand as we walked down the main hall to the elevator.
A quick ride down and the doors whooshed open revealing the main lobby. There were a few people scattered throughout the lobby’s wide expanse. Food and drink stations were set up, offering appetizers, beer, pre-made cocktails, soda and water. With an hour until launch people would start rolling in any moment now.
I wanted to check the food one more time. Pops peeled me away from Gambit to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. When Trinity stepped in to do the same, Gambit growled at him.
“Step off, motherfucker.”
Trinity chuckled and stepped back. The rest of the guys chuckled. A few were giving Gambit a hard time.
“You gonna let him put his hands on your woman, bro?” Brick asked.
“Don’t start shit you can’t finish, Brick,” Pops said.
Brick held up his hands and backed away. After a few minutes of banter, I excused myself.
“Babe, I want to check on the food one more time.”
Gambit laughed. “Bébé, it’s perfect. Stop worrying.”
“Just one more time. I promise.”
“Ten minutes.”
I laughed. “Okay.”
He bent down, giving me a kiss before swatting me on the ass as I headed toward the kitchen. I couldn’t help the girly squeal that escaped me. Chuckling, I shook my head and continued toward the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted with a chorus of wolf whistles.
Cosmo strolled across the room with a big smile on his face. “I’m surprised Gambit let you out of his sight with you looking like a tasty morsel.”
Color flooded my cheeks. I don’t know if I’d ever get used to all the male attention. Gambit’s brothers treated me with respect, but their comments left me little doubt they found me attractive. Ty was obsessed with me, yet he and his father never missed an opportunity to tell me I was fat and ugly. That no man would want her.