Page 18 of Gambit's Queen

The next half an hour flew by as I listened to the men banter, joining in when I could. With a loud bang, the door burst open, the bunnies shrieked and scattered, to get out of the dog’s path. Honu, my Caucasian shepherd, barreled directly toward us. The next thing I know, I’m being lifted off the chair and shoved behind Gambit.

“It’s my dog, Gambit,” I say, trying to get around him.

Honu skidded to a halt, stopping short of plowing into Gambit’s long, jean-clad legs. The enormous dog cocked his head, trying to figure out why this strange man was standing in between us. When Gambit’s body relaxed, I stepped around him.

Smoke, whom I’d met earlier, came racing in the hall. Smoke fell instantly in love with Honu.

“Damn sorry. He took off when he smelled your cooking.”

“It’s fine, Smoke. It’s my fault. I’ve been letting him get away with murder since we lost Bernie.”

Gambit placed an arm around me, pulling me against his body.

“Who’s Bernie, bébé?”

My hands automatically found the soft fur on Honu’s head. “He was my best friend and Honu’s human dad. A hospice nurse. I first met him when he was fresh out of nursing school.”

“He helped your dad.”

Gambit made it a statement, and it was. I met Bernie when he came to the house when my dad was in the final weeks of his life. Bernie had just turned twenty-two. He’d done a tour in the Navy and went straight into nursing school.

My father was his first case for his new employer. He’d been at my side through the funeral arrangements, the day we buried my dad and every day after. I turned to Bernie when mom married Tyler Barnes II. Bernie hated the man almost as much as I did.

“He did. We met on the first day of his new job, freshly graduated.”

Gambit sat down, pulling me on to his lap.

“How long ago did you lose him?”

“Six months ago.” Fresh tears stung my eyes.

Strong arms tightened around me. Gambit ran a soothing hand through my hair. I’d part it back away from my face, securing it at the crown of my head, leaving the rest to hang loose. His fingers found the back of my neck. He began to knead the knot at the base of my skull, then ran his fingers along my scalp.

Chapter 10
