Page 17 of Gambit's Queen


BUTTERFLIES DANCEDin my stomach when Gambit slipped his arms around me. A shudder of arousal ran through my body when he spoke, maybe an inch from my ear.

“No, she’s not going to marry you. She’s going to marry me.”

This had to be some kind of alpha male claim, right? No way this super-hot, badass biker is interested in me. He just doesn’t want his guys bothering me since I work for them. That has to be it.

That’s it, right?

I was lost in thought when bimbo one came and sat next to me.

“So, this is what all the guys are up in arms about?” bimbo one asked bimbo two, who now sat on my other side.

I caught Wizard’s attention. He approached the table with a look of concern on his face. Instead of answering either bimbo, I addressed the biker.

I pointed to my left then, to my right. “Is this what passes for bunnies around here? I’m sure you boys can do better than loose pussy one and looser pussy two.

As I made the last statement, I stood up. No way I’d be caught in between the two of them. Even in my high-tops, I towered over both of them. While bimbo one and two tried to form words, bimbo three walked up. Wizard was holding his sides, he was laughing so hard.

“Bitch,” bimbo three said, trying to slap me.

I grabbed her wrist, using her momentum to twist it behind her back.

“Don’t touch me, bitch.”

“Let go, Godzilla.”

“I’ll let you go.” I said as I pushed her away from me.

She stumbled into the other two. The three started cussing and coming my direction only to stop and burst into tears.

“Gambit!” they all cried before telling him a sob story.

I watched as he sat down the tray of food and peeled each woman off his arm.

“First, don’t touch me. Any of you,” he said, looking at each of them.

Shock showed on their faces.

“Second, I heard the whole thing. The three of you tried to start shit with Stormy. You’re lucky she didn’t kick your ass. Let me cut to the chase. I’m claiming Stormy right here, right now, as my old lady. Any of you bitches get ideas, you can see yourself out the door.”

He stepped around them and came to stand in front of me. Gambit pulled me into his arms, kissing me until my knees turned to jelly. I leaned in against him. Had he really just announced to everyone I was his woman and stuck up for me with the bunnies?

Mind blown. No one, except Bernie, stuck up for me. Not one person in my life had ever stepped up to bat for me. This has to be a dream. I’m going to wake up any moment now and start writing this beautiful dream down. It will make the perfect book.

I let him guide me back to my seat. Gambit unloaded the tray, ordering drinks from one of the prospects before digging into his goulash.

“This is superb, bébé. Where did you learn to cook?”

“Survival. My mom was a horrible cook. Dad did most of the cooking.”

“You learned to cook from your dad?”

“Basics. He died when I was eleven.”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I lost my mom at seventeen. I know how tough it is to lose a parent early.”

I leaned into him; one arm slipped around me while we ate. His brothers kept the banter light after the parent revelation. Can’t say I blame them. Who wants to talk about dead parents over cake?