Page 114 of Gambit's Queen

I nodded my head. He knew Pyro from Pops’ chapter had torched the place. The man was a god with fire. There wouldn’t be any evidence. My brothers fed the henchmen to the gators. Clothes and personal items were destroyed. Turd was locked in a cell in between Dan and Sid.

Dan, we'd kill quickly. Well, quicker than the other two. Turd would suffer the most. I planned to keep him around long enough. Pops was going to finish him while Stormy and I were away on our honeymoon. A sharp pain tore through my heart.

I jumped to my feet. I need to hit something. Do something, before I lost my fucking mind. The doors opened and Doc came in. He was dressed in scrubs and the look on his face made my heart plummet to my boots.

He hurried toward me. “It’s not like that man, but it's not great news either. The drip they had her hooked up to was a mix of alcohol and narcotics. She’s lucky to be alive. Stormy is in a medically induced coma.”

“Those bastards. I’d make a special trip to hell to torture that son of a bitch.”

I swallowed, I didn’t want to ask this question, but I had too. “Did he rape her?”

Doc shook his head, and a smile ghosted the corners of his mouth. “No, he didn’t rape her. Not sure if he touched her. Her clothes were all intact. No rips or tears. Dirty from wearing them for a couple of days, but that’s it. There was no bruising, scrapes, or signs of struggle.”

Nola attached herself to my side. “Thank fuck. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. A close friend had an emergency. I went to help her. Honestly, the waiting was killing me.”

“It’s alright sissy. There’s nothing you could have done had you been here earlier.”

Nola her head near my shoulder, I could hear the tremble in her voice. “Not true. I could’ve been here for you.”

I gathered my sister up in a hug. As soon as my arms were around her, she began sobbing. This time I let her cry for me. I’d had mine earlier.

“When can I see her?”

“They’ll send a nurse as soon as they have her settled. She has a private room in the ICU. I already told the admin in charge that she’d have twenty-four-hour protection.”

“Thank you, brother.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.”

“Don’t sell yourself short,” said a petite woman with long dark hair. “What your friend did in the chopper saved Stormy’s life.”

She held out her hand. Her green eyes were friendly. Her smile was genuine. “I’m Dr. Kelly, I'll be taking care of your fiancée while she’s here.”

“Is there anything you can tell us Doc hasn’t already?”

“Dr. Moore is very thorough. I’m sure there is nothing I can add at this point. I’ll let you know as soon as that changes. The lab is still running tests on the substance we found in the IV bag. You can reach me anytime through Dr. Moore. He has hospital privileges and can have me contacted anywhere. I’m on duty for the next twelve hours and on call after that.”

I shook her hand. “Thank you, Dr. Kelly. I’m Gambit. This is my sister Nola.”

I indicated the room. “This is Stormy’s family.”

“Does she have any other family we should contact?”

“No. All her family are right here in this room.”

Dr. Kelly didn’t bat an eye. “I’ll let the desk know.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Dr. Kelly left the room, and I breathed a sigh of relief.