Page 115 of Gambit's Queen

Chapter 55


Another twenty minuteswent by before the door to the waiting room opened again. A beaten and bruised Bastien was wheeled in by an orderly.

“Armand Landry?”

Pops stepped forward.

“We have you listed here as Bastien’s emergency contact. No one can get a hold of parents. Can we leave him in your care?”

“Yes. I’ll take responsibility for him. Don’t worry about his parents. I’ll take care of them as well.”

Pops signed Bastien’s papers. I didn’t have to ask how he was listed as Bastien’s guardian. I already knew, Bug. Hacking into the hospital and adding Pops information would be easy.

I waited until the orderly left before going over to Bastien. I had news to tell him, and I wasn’t sure how he’d take it. He looked up at me, before getting to his feet.

“On behalf of the Lafayette family, I’m sorry my piece of shit old man had anything to do with hurting your woman.”

I clasped him on the shoulder with care. “It’s not on you Bastien. None of the things Claude did is on you. You’re an amazing young man with a bright future ahead of you.”

“I got no future with Claude around my neck.”

“Claude’s not going to be around your neck anymore, son.” I whispered.

Bastien’s eyes widened, a myriad of emotions played across his face. “We’re free. Really and truly free?”

“Claude Lafayette won’t bother you or anyone anymore.”

Relief washed over him. His shoulders lifted higher with the weight of a burden gone. I could see the moment relief turned into panic.

“My brothers and sisters. I can’t work and take care of them. What am I going to do?”

“We’ll help you take care of them, Bastien. You're family now. The moment you chose Stormy over your kin you became family. You took that beating for her.”

“Can we go get them?”

“We can, but I want to see Stormy first.”

Pops stepped up. “I can go, son. You stay here with your girl.”

“Thanks, Pops. I want to go. I need something to do while she’s in the coma. I know Stormy would want me to go, honestly. When I told her about Bastien and his family she cried. She made me promise after the wedding we’d help them.”