Page 112 of Gambit's Queen


Eighteen hours sinceStormy’s abduction and I’m headed back to the Woodshed. I got three hours of sleep before Smoke called to let me know they had Sid Sharpe, turd’s right-hand man, and a few cronies. Dan was in one of the cells, whimpering pathetically. Sid and three others were strung up on hooks.

“Who do we have here?” I asked Smoke.

“Austin Mitchell, Edward Wood, and James Nelson. They were trying to help Sid get away.”

“Any of you motherfuckers want to save yourselves a world of pain and tell me where my woman is?”

“You’ll never find her before Ty gets to her,” Edward spat.

“Is that so, dickweed? Smoke, dickweed here just volunteered to go first.”

Smoke nodded. He had Hammer help him drag out tools. Laying them out on a stainless-steel stand. Similar to the type they use in surgery. Once had them all out he approached me.

“Before I single dick weed out for special treatment. How about we show all the boys some Southern hospitality.”

“Show me what you have in mind.”

Smoke walked back to his weapons cabinet and pulled out four sets of escrima sticks. He handed a set to me, Hammer, and Blue, a set of sticks. Keeping the last set for himself. Outlaw flipped on our sound system and cranked heavy metal music. ‘Walk’ by Pantera blared through the speakers.

For the next twenty minutes we used the escrima sticks to beat the naked men. Hitting them all over their body. Smoke took a caning rod to the soles of dickweed’s feet before attacking electrodes and sending electricity through his beaten feet. Over the next twelve hours, Smoke and Hammer led the rest of us in torturing the captives for information. We threw Sid into the cell, broken and bleeding. The other three were dead. Missing fingers, toes or teeth.

Smoke broke out the welding equipment for Sid. Our enforcer had military experience, once worked as a debt collector and is a welder by trade. The smell of burned human flesh still stung my nostrils as I headed to take a quick shower and wash the blood off my. I didn’t want to frighten Stormy when I found her.

Chapter 54


Thirty hours afterStormy’s abduction and we were in a race to get to her before turd did. Santos checked in a few hours ago to let us know turd was headed back to the States. We raced through the streets to get to the docks. I’d reached out to Lafayette earlier and not gotten a response. Not unusual for him. But when I messaged Bastien and didn’t get a response, that concerned me.

Decker had his kickstand down seconds before I did. Outlaw and Papa weren’t far behind. Our boots made a thunderous sound on the boardwalk as we headed to Lafayette’s boats. Two of his boats were missing. I was about to go search the shanty for keys when a sound caught my attention. It came from the boat. Papa must have heard it too. We reached the boat at the same time to find a barely breathing and badly beaten Bastien.

“Who did this?” I asked. As if I didn’t already know when I got my hands on him. I’d kill him.

“Claud, he took some guys to the camp. I found your Queen,” he said right before he passed out.