Page 111 of Gambit's Queen

“Stop, oh God, please stop. I’ll tell you anything.”

His head hung. His body heaved in great, wracking sobs. Yet it wasn’t enough to pay for taking Stormy. For putting her in the hands of that psycho. Dan spilled his guts over the next thirty minutes. After we locked him in a cell, we held an impromptu church in a side-room. The room held a table large enough to seat us and a few extra for growing room.


POPS AND I KILLED TWObirds with one stone. We both needed to eat. It didn’t matter neither of us had an appetite. We also needed to question Betti Anne. Earlier, Pops and I stopped by to check on Nola. She wasn’t doing well. Since she planned the evening, she blamed herself. Pops and I both told her she wasn’t to blame. I don’t think she believed us. It pained me not to stay and comfort her, but I had to press on. I couldn’t stop until I had Stormy back and safe. I wouldn’t stop until she was in my arms and Tyler Edwin Barnes the turd was gator bait. Or maybe I’d feed him to the wild pigs.

Still alive and aware.

Pops knocked on the door, Brick opened it immediately. He looked tired. It was after ten in the morning. Twelve hours since Stormy’s abduction. We were all tired.

“Come on in. Ito dropped off everything you need. Red and I are going to head out for a while.”

“Thanks man,” Pops said, patting Brick’s shoulder.

“Anything for the family, man.”

Red appeared, giving us each a quick hug before heading out the door with her husband. Betti Anne was sitting in the living room watching television. Her eyes widened when she turned to see us enter the room.


“Betti Anne Breelin. I thought you retired.”

“I did, and I was enjoying it. Then I trusted the wrong person and found myself penniless.”

“Are you hungry, Betti Anne?” Pops asked. “I thought I’d make stuffed French toast with all the fixings.”

“I haven’t had your cooking in years. Need any help?”

“Sure, I can always use a hand.”

I hung back, listening to Pops expertly guide the situation. He had Betti’s full confession by the time breakfast was served. She got drawn into some shady dealings with Barnes the second. That’s how turd found Stormy so quickly. His father had a network of people along the coast. He used them to smuggle drugs and weapons. And much to Betti Anne’s horror, people.

Betti Anne only found out a few weeks ago that Barnes was into human trafficking. She didn't know where to go or who to go to. Pops would get her somewhere safe after we found Stormy. For now, Betti Anne was staying at the compound and Dmitri is sending someone to fix her hair. Pops said she always had beautiful red hair. He texted Dmitri and asked for a hair 911. It went a long way with Betti Anne, and she agreed to stay put and out of the way.

Chapter 53